


"He may be smart in his own mind but someone else is smarter. Someday, someone will catch up to him."

Millions of people are smarter than me.I read alot, and I have experienced my share in 50+ years. Why do you guys get so defensive and start calling names when someone points out a fault that they observe? Maybe UPS needs more pointing out of errors to better their service, or are they too brainwashed in company policy to see out of the box? Sometimes, listening to the person that actually does the job, sheds light on possible solutions.

And catch me what? I do my job, above the company standard. They gonna get me for voicing my opinion?


My "opinion" is based on what I see and HEAR. They are using the yard freq. to give departure info. Dispatch replies"he is gone". Yet I sit there looking at the driver, and he sure isn't out the gate in reality, only on the computer.If UPS recognizes the need to pull on time, then why don't they actually see that the door is down and the driver is gone, instead of only making it look like the driver was out the gate at the scheduled time. HOW DOES THIS SOLVE THE PROBLEM!
That is my question,but no one wants to answer it. It is a bull:censored2: way of making region and national THINK the problem is solved.It is a sham lie is all it is, and 2 weeks from now the problem will still exist. Why can't you guys just get real, report the real NUMBERS, then find and solve the problem, i.e. drivers held on door, while hub tries to clean up? We had Pull on Time Initiative 1999, and it is obvious, the problem wasn't solved, and it never will be as long as management only concocts new ways of making the numbers LOOK good.


Not defensive. I read plenty too and have been on both sides of the union. It just seems that you don't see fault with anyone else, including yourself. When you see one of your peers slacking, and you don't say anything to him or her, then like it or not, you are an accessory to that infraction and you condone such behavior. According to you, UPS is to blame for all the woes of the workers, company and the world.

I'll tell you, I have seen plenty of changes for the betterment of the workers. The package drivers no longer have to sheet their deliveries. It's called DIAD. They now have vehicles with power steering for easier manuverability. Low profile tires for easier step up. Wider bulkhead doors, larger shelves, and no more drop frame in the back of the vehicles. Feeder drivers drive in comfort, better than some of their own personal vehicles. Air conditioned tractors, power steering, the whole nine yards. Do you have any idea who was involved with this? Drivers just like you. The only difference is that the company picked constructive people who made sense when they spoke of practical changes for the equipment. This also went along with the collective bargaining agreement.
The CHSP program had alot to do with the drop in OSHA recordables. Was it the company who solely instituted these changes? No it took the positive outlook of your peers to help make the changes. They (your peers) were instrumental in making things work.
The company asks many times over the course of a year for suggestions to improve (Did you ever hear of a focus group meeting?). You can go in with an attitude and never change a thing or you can go in with sincerity and be just as instrumental in changing things as some of your peers have done.
I am not knocking you Jbul, but most times you write like you are the only one who is right and the world is wrong.


I might actually believe it a good thing that your voicing your opinions if they weren't all negative. The fact you are a fired ATC explains quite a bit. I know a retired ATC who crossed the line during the strike. His opinions are very positive and very different from yours about being an air traffic controller and the job itself. Which pays very well and gave him a rewarding carreer. But then this person is allways very positive about everything which is definitely very different from you. I believe UPS might actually have their fair share of the blame, however there is no doubt in my mind that you came to us with an ax to grind. When you went through the strike(ATC) you could have held a grudge against the union for their poor judgement in calling the strike and not cancelling it when they knew the firings were going to happen however you apparently decided to blame all large organizations for their perceived insensitivity towards the common man. In my opinion your wasting a lot of energy hating what you cant control.


I'm happy for your friend . When I walked out the door of that Air Route Traffic Control Center, it was my decision. I knew full well I would probably never work there again, as did the rest of the 12,000 who walked. All I know is, I was on the fence about the strike, till one evening, during peak traffic, we lost everything, radar, radios, telephones, lights. If you think that isn't terrifying, try holding the lives of several thousand people in your hands, and have someone blindfold you. That was the night I decided, if the government and the FAA were not going to improve the system, I did not want to work there anymore, and I stood by that. I saw too many guys end up in the rubber room in their mid thirties from the stress, and to me it was not worth it.Ask your friend how many times, during peak traffic, with thunderstorms around, that the computer took a dump.All because the money to improve the computers and radar couldn't be touched because it was being used to balance the federal budget. Ask your friend about that fact.
I came to UPS with a good outlook, happy to be working for UPS.I have no prior ax to grind.
I had total CONTROL over my life then, and made my own decisions. I don't look through rose colored glasses.After 5 years with UPS, you start to see how things really work.
I CAN control things that affect my life, such as being denied qualified FMLA leave. And anytime I feel I have a legitimate gripe, I will speak up.
You are good at telling me I pretend to listen, but have you been listening? Are you so convinced that management does no wrong?I read some supes and especially supes wives posts, and maybe you are looking through rose colored glasses.


None of you know me, or anything about me. So your comments about my confictions are pretty groundless. If you want to debate a fact, I'll be glad to listen, and debate the facts. Your personal attacks just show where you are really coming from.You can't dispute a fact, so you attack the person.


I have no solution. I only know that by not showing the actual time the feeder leaves the gate, UPS is only kidding themselves. I understand the purpose of the pull on time initiative is to find the source of late pulls and then address that problem. The problem is only being covered up by showing false gate leave times, hence, once the initiative is over, and the feeders are being shown out the gate at the true time, the problem is still there. I guess the solution is, follow the initiative as stated, and don't fudge the figures, because it isn't solving the problem.But then, I'm just a UPS hater, looking for negatives, and posting screwed up messages. Why don't you supes address the real issues?


I thought about you at work tonight. We have a guy who seems to need to take a nap at some point in the night. Now this is a pretty well known fact around, and I know management is aware of it. Anyway, tonight, this guy is MIA.So, my boss gets on the radio, and starts calling for this guy, like he is even listening to the radio. Instead of getting his lazy, wannbe a work in the air conditioned office and joke with the office girls butt, off his padded arm chair, and coming down in the yard and finding this guy, he just keeps calling on the radio.
I for one, am not going to do his job for him, he has two legs.Nor will any of the other guys.Talk about slugs.


Actually I dont believe you were listening to me, hear me hate what you cant control. Your previous posts show you are much to bright to fall into the us vs them, me against corporate greed game. It's a game where you'll be frustrated all the time and victories will be superficial at best. That does not mean you should not stand up for what you believe in. We all do. I dont live life wearing rose colored glasses. I see things I dont like. I stand up for what is important to me. I dont blame a faceless organization, I blame the inidividuals in that organization that make poor decisions. I'm also part of the organization. That means I have a chance to work towards and influence changes in my part of the world. I couldnt do that if i was bucking the system and my outlook was negative towards everything UPS does. I believe I can make a difference and leave UPS better and stronger when I leave. If I didnt believe that I would be working somewhere else. I have a simple management philosophy. Fix something. Too often management will lower their level of acceptance as they become accustomed to status Quo or they are afraid to make a decision since it may be the wrong one. You mock the ontime initiative and I understand why. However what will happen is that we will struggle with it for a while and then the push starts picking up some steam. We will never get all loads to pull on time everyday. What the push will do is to help get the late pull cycle moving in the other direction. My experience in this area tells me that any improvement in this area translates into direct service improvements.


Regardless of what someone is calling on the radio. The technology is there to tell otherwise. The destination knows whether the loads are getting to them any sooner or not. So those who BS the process get discovered in the end. At the same time you have eyes looking at the late load problem that were not looking at it before. We won't conquer the world but we will get the true departures to improve. Along the way enjoy the comedy that presents itself to you each night.


This problem of pulling on time was probably around in the bicycle days.... And will always exsist.
The effort to TRY to get loads pulled on time will help identify some of the problem areas.
Oh, silly me... thinks this is a good idea! Unfortunately, most of the problems exsists from problems we can't control.
The larger the Hub, the more problems exsist.


Hot Shot Pilot
A young and foolish pilot wanted to sound cool on the aviation frequencies. This was his first time approaching a field during the night time.

Instead of make an official request to the tower, he said, "Guess who?"

The controller switched the field lights off and replied, "Guess where!"


Perfect Shot
A golfer stood over his tee shot for what seemed an eternity. He looked up, looked down, measured the distance, figured the wind speed and direction. It was driving his partner nuts!!

Finally, his exasperated partner said, "What's taking so long? Hit the blasted ball!!!"

The guy answered, "My wife is up there watching me from the clubhouse. I want to make this a perfect shot."

"Forget it, Man," the partner responded. "You''ll never hit her from here."


Hate to belabor this point, but had a discussion tonight with one of our feeder drivers. He says, every night, a supe comes by with a radio, gives dispatch his departure numbers and tells him not to stop at the gate. They also wanted him to punch his leave button on his IVIS. He refused, because he hadn't even done his paper work yet. So, when he gets to his TA, the first thing they ask is, how come your late? He says, I am not late, I ran in the alotted time. They said"the computer shows you left at so and so time, (the time that dispatch put in the computer), and that's the time we go by."
So, the little white lie, covers up the real problem, and the driver takes the blame. GRRRRR!!!I am half tempted to call National, and ask them if they know their initiative is being shammed.


Paperwork? Seal Control? Sign it and go. How late did the paperwork make him 30 seconds?


Let's see. Say 20 hazmet slips to count and check for accuracy. We are responsible for that,and if one is not complete,it must be filled out correctly, and the total marked on the seal control of each trailer.Then enter any info in IVIS. Pull off door and close it if it is a cargo box.No matter how you cut it, the driver IS NOT OUT THE GATE YET. Just last nite, after the radio departure,a driver had mechanical trouble with his tractor, had to drop trailers and take tractor to shop.Left 30 mins. later. Guess who got questioned about why he was late at TA. A lie is a lie....whether it's a little one or a big one.And the hub still doesn't have the trailers wrapped for pull time....but heck, we can always blame the slug drivers!!


we know the driver aint going to have 20 hazmats.
So how late was he then 2 minutes? 3? I know the destination aint beating him up because he was 3 minutes late. Minimum of 15 before they say something.What took the guy so long? maybe you should call national on the driver.


I have had 40 Hazmet slips in a railbox. 20 is not unusual.Then consider that half of them are wadded up in a ball. Or do they do that just to test us?
But the point remains,it is a sham.You don't solve the problem that way. You solve the problem by the hub having the trailers ready at pull time.

I just pulled a set on Friday. Neither trailer was ready. One still had rollers in it, no seal or seal control. No belt supe around. So I told the loader to find his boss,and have him bring the seal and seal control to my other door. He never showed up. So a feeder supe wrote up a seal control. Wonder how many Hazards were in that trailer?


Ewavegiveitup and Tieguy,
I have been reading your disputes with Jbul. Very interesting and you know Jbul will always be right, most teamsters are, and you guys wrong. Jbul is a wealth of knowledge to the rank and file, he's either a steward, an ex-steward or a steward wannabe. Reading his comments, they reek of sarcasm towards the company and anyone associated with management.
Been there done it.
Having fun reading.

What are the thoughts of those who care about the company on whether the stock will continue its porpoise effect with the price or will it start to climb?