Are we on the brink of civil war 2.0?


Well-Known Member
True - true. $20 bucks a week would have been BIG of for me. I could have a great time on 5 bucks. Two bucks worth of gas at 25-30 cents a gallon, maybe 50 cents for a couple packs of smokes and you still had $2,50 left for beer and food when you snuck into the drive-in.
Did people treat each other better ? More respectfully ? (Other than the racist crap)


Retired 23 years
Did people treat each other better ? More respectfully ? (Other than the racist crap)
I know kids treated adults with more respect-otherwise the adult would clobber them--with the kids parents approval. Teachers were respected and even feared in some cases. We didn't have any racist crap going on---everyone except for a few indians was white. :-)

The Driver

I drive.
It’s a sign of having a small mind when you are led so easily to believe in all these ridiculous conspiracy theories. Grow up, men. Not everything is a conspiracy to take your rights away. Go have sex or a take a hike in nature. So ridiculous infantile.


Well-Known Member
It’s a sign of having a small mind when you are led so easily to believe in all these ridiculous conspiracy theories. Grow up, men. Not everything is a conspiracy to take your rights away. Go have sex or a take a hike in nature. So ridiculous infantile.
It's not a conspiracy.

Pennsylvania has law. We can read it. Pennsylvania changed it unlawfully, and then didn't even follow that. It's nothing more than boring, plain-jane open criminality that doesn't get prosecuted because of corruption.

This happens every day of the week. But this time it's voting. So, we care.

The Driver

I drive.
You can't win. Google told him.
As opposed to what, you? Googling legal terms and procedures vs. some rando truck driver on the internet with an opinion. Okay...

Enjoy your fairy tale conspiracy theory that the president of the United States couldn’t even make a case for. So stupid. It’s just so stupid.

The Driver

I drive.
It's not a conspiracy.

Pennsylvania has law. We can read it. Pennsylvania changed it unlawfully, and then didn't even follow that. It's nothing more than boring, plain-jane open criminality that doesn't get prosecuted because of corruption.

This happens every day of the week. But this time it's voting. So, we care.
Stop listening to Mark Levin. I know what you listen to.

The Driver

I drive.
It's not a conspiracy.

Pennsylvania has law. We can read it. Pennsylvania changed it unlawfully, and then didn't even follow that. It's nothing more than boring, plain-jane open criminality that doesn't get prosecuted because of corruption.

This happens every day of the week. But this time it's voting. So, we care.
PA did not change their law unlawfully.


Well-Known Member
Stop listening to Mark Levin. I know what you listen to.
You don't. I don't particularly care for Levin. I'm a big Steve Bannon fan, though. So, you're in the right ballpark.

And noting who says it isn't a rebuttal.

PA changed their law without proper procedure, and then didn't follow either version of the law in counting or casting votes. It's not even close. It's not debateable. The law says one thing, and what they did was another. It's an open and shut case of criminality, covered up by judges with a bias.

The Driver

I drive.
You don't. I don't particularly care for Levin. I'm a big Steve Bannon fan, though. So, you're in the right ballpark.

And noting who says it isn't a rebuttal.

PA changed their law without proper procedure, and then didn't follow either version of the law in counting or casting votes. It's not even close. It's not debateable. The law says one thing, and what they did was another. It's an open and shut case of criminality, covered up by judges with a bias.
Then someone with an axe to grind in PA would need to address that legal quandary. Texas has no say in what another state does. Period. I thought righties loved states rights.


Well-Known Member
PA changed their law without proper procedure, and then didn't follow either version of the law in counting or casting votes. It's not even close. It's not debateable. The law says one thing, and what they did was another. It's an open and shut case of criminality, covered up by judges with a bias.
Says who? You? Why should I, or anyone for that matter, trust your very obvious partisan opinion about law, over the Pennsylvania supreme court, or the United States Supreme court? And no, Texas, or any other state, does not get to dictate to any other state, how they run their elections.


Inordinately Right
And no, Texas, or any other state, does not get to dictate to any other state, how they run their elections.
The state legislature does, in accordance with the constitution of the United States of America. Democrats in PA broke that law.

But you don't care, because you Democrats hate the Constitution, and you hate the United States of America.

Carry on.


Well-Known Member
I've said it before, if democrats were denied their day in court, I would feel the same way. I agree that I am speculating on the judges' motivations. That's all any of us can do. And yes, when you are denied access to other avenues of remedy, or access to evidence through other channels, you can turn to the courts to order that access.

Both sides have access to the court of public opinion. The left wing media, along with their coworkers in the the Democratic party brough all.of their resources to bear over 4 years deluding a significant portion of the population into believing all sorts of nonsense about Trump. That's why so many are willing to accept any incorrect reason for the lawsuits being dismissed.

As for the Supreme Court case, I realize that lack of standing was given for the reason they chose not to hear the case. But it wasn't dismissed for lack of standing. It's a fine distinction that I don't have the time to explain, but basically, there was no actual ruling in the case. The statement was a non-precedent setting write up explaining why they weren't hearing the case. Thomas and Alito disagreed with the assessment, and affirmed that the Supreme Court can't deny the filing of a bill of complaint that falls under its original jurisdiction. Etc. Etc. Etc. Blah, blah, blah... I know I'm wasting my time, but there you have it.

But you weren't denied your day in court - that's the thing man. Your side filed something like 65 cases covering a very broad range of issues (fraud, mail-in voting, election law, etc) and you lost virtually every single one. Yes - some were on standing, but not all of them. The bottom line is - there was zero evidence, at least that could be proved in a court of law, for the type of widespread, election-changing fraud your side claimed was "obvious."

Speaking of media, Fox News, OANN, and Newsmax have all had to issue retractions on their claims about dominion, and now Sidney Powell is being sued for libel. But I suppose it's only the "left wing media," that distorts the truth, right? Or, I suppose, if the distortion is in a direction that is personally pleasing - you're ok with it.

Think about what the grand claim is. There was widespread fraud - but only committed by the democrats, only in the states Trump lost, and only regarding Trump, himself alone. All other down ballot races were valid. How would a rational, nonpartisan person treat a claim like this?


I'm a star
As opposed to what, you? Googling legal terms and procedures vs. some rando truck driver on the internet with an opinion. Okay...

Enjoy your fairy tale conspiracy theory that the president of the United States couldn’t even make a case for. So stupid. It’s just so stupid.

"Everything I don't understand is stupid and infantile."


I'm a star
But you weren't denied your day in court - that's the thing man. Your side filed something like 65 cases covering a very broad range of issues (fraud, mail-in voting, election law, etc) and you lost virtually every single one. Yes - some were on standing, but not all of them. The bottom line is - there was zero evidence, at least that could be proved in a court of law, for the type of widespread, election-changing fraud your side claimed was "obvious."

Speaking of media, Fox News, OANN, and Newsmax have all had to issue retractions on their claims about dominion, and now Sidney Powell is being sued for libel. But I suppose it's only the "left wing media," that distorts the truth, right? Or, I suppose, if the distortion is in a direction that is personally pleasing - you're ok with it.

Think about what the grand claim is. There was widespread fraud - but only committed by the democrats, only in the states Trump lost, and only regarding Trump, himself alone. All other down ballot races were valid. How would a rational, nonpartisan person treat a claim like this?

You believe what your left wing media tells you. I can't keep stating the facts over and over hoping one day they will sink in.


Well-Known Member
The state legislature does, in accordance with the constitution of the United States of America. Democrats in PA broke that law.

But you don't care, because you Democrats hate the Constitution, and you hate the United States of America.

Carry on.
You guys love to throw around Article II. You know, it's been a while since AP history, but isn't there an Article III? Who interprets the law? Who determines what is law, and what is not? I'll take the opinions of the state supreme court justices over that of a biased, butthurt Trump supporter, but thanks anyway.


Well-Known Member
You believe what your left wing media tells you. I can't keep stating the facts over and over hoping one day they will sink in.
You believe what right-wing media tells you. See how easily you're dismissed? The facts are - you failed to prove fraud, to any degree, and Biden will be inaugurated as a result. I'm sorry if that fact is so damaging to your world view that you have to create delusions to carry on.