Are we on the brink of civil war 2.0?


I'm a star
Summary judgment

I'm sure it varies state to state and type of suit, but summary judgments are supposed to come after discovery. Any motions to dismiss after pleadings are filed but before discovery would be over defects in the filings, such as if laws cited are not applicible, or if procedure was not followed. A judgment to dismiss based on lack of standing can not, by necessity, be determined until after evidence has been heard. The Judge would have to claim divine powers to be able to make the determination beforehand. To say a Judge can declare "no standing" without considering the merits is impossible by definition, to rule "no standing" is the same as saying the case has no merit.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Not from you ... or not from @Turdferguson!


Strength through joy
Here's more fuel for the fire.

The greatest threat facing America today comes from within: radical extreme conservatives, also known as domestic terrorists.
They’re hidden among us, disguised behind regular jobs.
They are your children’s teachers.
They work at supermarkets, malls, doctor’s offices, and many are police officers and soldiers.

I'm calling for an AN ARMY OF CITIZEN DETECTIVES to FIGHT #TrumpsNewArmy of white supremacy.

Will you help?

Will you spread word?

— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) January 19, 2021


Well-Known Member
Here's more fuel for the fire.

The greatest threat facing America today comes from within: radical extreme conservatives, also known as domestic terrorists.
They’re hidden among us, disguised behind regular jobs.
They are your children’s teachers.
They work at supermarkets, malls, doctor’s offices, and many are police officers and soldiers.

I'm calling for an AN ARMY OF CITIZEN DETECTIVES to FIGHT #TrumpsNewArmy of white supremacy.

Will you help?

Will you spread word?

— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) January 19, 2021
Dan Winslow is an American hero. He’s a pretty damn good writer, too.