Are you a winner next week?


Well-Known Member
Our center manager gave us some homework during the PCM. He asked us to go to upsers, print out our Take Charge Rewards points and bring it in or send a text with a picture of the page by Monday.


Well-Known Member
Our center manager gave us some homework during the PCM. He asked us to go to upsers, print out our Take Charge Rewards points and bring it in or send a text with a picture of the page by Monday.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
You can prove them wrong this Monday.
Make a difference.
B a Hero.
We're told not to be hero's. "It's just cardboard, we don't want any hero's"

Everytime I prove them wrong I get harassed for weeks about some meaningless metric.
If they spent as much time talking with customers who have complaints and dealing with them instead of blowing me off when I tell them there is a problem then spending the day following me or going over telematics reports looking for a reason to fire me. ...maybe we wouldn't be losing accounts... just a thought.