Article 7's for call outs


Well-Known Member
Lol he knows... his point is he (and myself included) are in central. Central traded away sick days for an option week. Funny though if you include that and option days compared to other suppliments days they get, we get about 3 less paid days than other areas. Sucks to be in central.... and add to that the pension.... sucks to be in central.
That's not what Big Union Guy appears to believe...


Well-Known Member
Every single year there is a flavor of the month in february they enforce for like a month then give up on. Every single year. That goes for the guard shack too. Even though feb to april is the easiest time of year in terms of getting days off whenever you want. It's also the sketchiness in terms of micromanagement harassment. Peak is nice since you know someone is always screwing up 10x worse so no one is gonna bug you the entire peak unless you directly like to mess with them.