
Staff member
On a side note I saw an auto loader on fire on the Pennsylvania Turnpike yesterday. The cars were on fire not the tractor. There were completely engulfed in flames! The driver had disconnected the tractor and was about 100 feet away just filming it burn. I was on the other side of the turnpike and I could feel the heat when I drove by.

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I passed that one on the way back after the fire was out, that's the second one to burn on the tnpk in as many weeks.
Last bridge was 10' 10"

In the article I got that video from the person that filmed it quotes the truck driver as saying " he didn't see any height signs posted"

Funny how a bunch of us looking at the video can.
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Pineapple King
Last bridge was 10' 10"

In the article I got that video from the person that filmed it quotes the truck driver as saying " he didn't see any height signs posted"

Funny how a bunch of us looking at the video can.
10"10"? You sure about that? I saw two signs before he hit the last bridge one yellow one white both said 10'5".


promoted to mediocrity
Check your bridge heights. This is from Long Island NY.

I've heard NY has a really weird system to measuring/posting overhead clearance. It's not measured from the ground; but some long ago standard of where an axle hub height was, to the overhead obstruction. You have to know how much to add to the posted clearance to get the actual clearance. I think it's somewhere between 18-24".


Pineapple King
10'10" or 10'5" we still picked up on the fact it's not at least 14'.
I hear ya. What I find strange is the first bridge had a sign stating 10'4" yet he cleared that one. The second showed 13'3" and he cleared that one(aren't most trailers 13'6"?) then the last showed 10'5" and it took the top off. Does anyone else find that strange?


cap'n crunch
looked like that over pass was taller in the middle and shorter on the sides due to curvature. May have been an optical illusion. We had a guy here in Texas a couple of years ago that made convertibles out of a set of 13'6" ers when he had to take a detour thru a small town on the way to San Antone because of a freeway closure. Automotive kept a couple of old old 14' ups trailers legal, inspection wise and all. When they ran low on trailers, they would send them out on local CPU's. When they dispatched me with one, I'd try to find some way to red tag it.


Well-Known Member
That almost looks like the Long Island Expressway if it is he's not even allowed to be on that road to begin with... Surprising made it under the 13 foot 3 inch one... can't read the sign on the second one but that had to be 12' 6"....

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Was probably one of the Parkways on Long Island, in NY trucks are allowed on Expressways, not Parkways. The LIE is RT 495 part of the interstate system, unless marked bridges on interstates are at least 14' 6".

NY's system of measurement is weird, I was told once if the height sign is yellow to add the 18" and if white it's the actual height. Although it seems you can't find anything official about it. There's one building in Brooklyn and the route has you go under two bridges marked 13'. The feeder directions tell you that you clear, and you do. I've seen other trailers pass under and they look like they have at least 6" to clear.

Just adds to the joy of feeder driving. I was routed to a customer pickup, I'm driving down the road and came up on a bridge in NJ marked 13'. I pulled over to the side of the road and then watched a CVS trailer pass under it with plenty of room to spare.


Phoenix Feeder
Check your bridge heights. This is from Long Island NY.

First curved bridge had a yellow height sign of 10'4" then a white sign of 10'4". Second straight bridge had a yellow sign saying 13'3". Third curved bridge had a yellow sign of 10'5" and a white one of 10'5". Assuming that's a 13'6" trailer something is definitely off and hopefully his lawyer has this video. I like the commentary of the NY height signs and adding inches, just what you want to be doing as you are cruising at highway speeds: math.
First curved bridge had a yellow height sign of 10'4" then a white sign of 10'4". Second straight bridge had a yellow sign saying 13'3". Third curved bridge had a yellow sign of 10'5" and a white one of 10'5". Assuming that's a 13'6" trailer something is definitely off and hopefully his lawyer has this video. I like the commentary of the NY height signs and adding inches, just what you want to be doing as you are cruising at highway speeds: math.

His lawyer has the video for what, to prove he's incompetent?

Smart drivers stop before augering a trailer. Idiots say "What happened?"


Phoenix Feeder
From what I can see I'd convict him. The signs are visible. According to the story that's a no-truck route.

There's no cure for stupidity.

I could see the argument being made that the Driver can only go with the information presented and if it proves unreliable that the rest would be suspect. He should have crashed at that first bridge, yet cleared it no problem. Then cleared another that was too low, then crashed on one that was higher than the first. How many bridges did he clear before that? And why wouldn't the State put clearance bars up at the entrances to stop an overheight vehicle before it ever made it onto the actual highway? It's a lot cheaper to replace a bar than fix a bridge that's for sure. Is there signage at the entrances warning that overheight vehicles are not allowed?? And that whole bit about yellow signs to add inches and white signs are the true height...seriously? And how often are these clearances re-measured after paving and road projects? I'm sure the Company will rape him but as far as his citations that would be an easy win in AZ, and maybe result in a lawsuit against the State.


That almost looks like the Long Island Expressway if it is he's not even allowed to be on that road to begin with... Surprising made it under the 13 foot 3 inch one... can't read the sign on the second one but that had to be 12' 6"....

On a side note I saw an auto loader on fire on the Pennsylvania Turnpike yesterday. The cars were on fire not the tractor. There were completely engulfed in flames! The driver had disconnected the tractor and was about 100 feet away just filming it burn. I was on the other side of the turnpike and I could feel the heat when I drove by.

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It looks like the Meadowbrook parkway in Nassau County, Long Island. I've been on it before in a car and the exits are marked "M1, M2, etc" I saw a "M" exit on one of the signs in the video and the nearby buildings look like the ones I've seen there on that parkway many years ago. I think they are the same buildings you can see from the Nassau hub(Nasny) as this hub is close to this parkway. And yes, no trucks allowed.
It looks like the Meadowbrook parkway in Nassau County, Long Island. I've been on it before in a car and the exits are marked "M1, M2, etc" I saw a "M" exit on one of the signs in the video and the nearby buildings look like the ones I've seen there on that parkway many years ago. I think they are the same buildings you can see from the Nassau hub(Nasny) as this hub is close to this parkway. And yes, no trucks allowed.

The article describes it as the Meadowbrook pkwy.