
Well-Known Member
First day of Feeder training starts tomorrow.Any tips?
Take everything slow and ask questions if you dont understand something....give it a chance... don’t quit on day 2 because you get frustrated, it takes time to learn all of this...but for 95% of the Driver’s at ups this is where you want to be...


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Any time I've ever watched a guy cowboy a dolly it's taken at least 7-8 pull ups to do it. It's fun to watch but unless you can do it faster than that it doesn't seem very practical.

Sometimes you dont have a choice.


KTM rider
1st week is learning and practice. The 2nd week is worked a job, generally covering a regular job when the bid driver is on vacation.


Well-Known Member
I went back with over 20 years seniority, so I've gotten good jobs. Night jobs, but solid road jobs. The job is great, but where I'm at, the management push is worse than anything I've ever had in package car. It doesn't bother me--I do everything by the book--but it has a bad effect on the burners and more timid drivers.

My wife doesn't like sleeping alone, but she also really likes the time we spend together during the day, before I go to bed.

And I've never made more money. I'll probably go over 100,000 grand this year.

I can't imagine how I could ever go back to package car.
When/if you go back to package, you'll be amazed how much slower you move. Almost comical.


Well-Known Member
Don't doubt yourself!! Training is hard And they test your self confidence . Ask questions, get to know the senior drivers .They will help you with everything when you pass
Agree. I had a good trainer. He did push at home but I feel it was more of a test than being a dick.


Well-Known Member
When going to hubs my center wanted me to bring back an empty but the hub I was at demanded I bring back a load to that hub (at end of the day) instead of the empty. make up your mind people. I hate being the middle man.


Fugitive From Reality
When going to hubs my center wanted me to bring back an empty but the hub I was at demanded I bring back a load to that hub (at end of the day) instead of the empty. make up your mind people. I hate being the middle man.
I believe the term you're looking for is pivot man??