You can only use your extension for an unforeseen circumstance and it can only be to get back you can't go anywhere else either.

As far as the hours go know you need two consecutive time periods off between 1am-5am if you punch out at 1:02 it doesn't count and you'll have a 52 hour reset not just the 34. And for now since we are here you can't start a restart before 168 hours of your last it gets confusing quick make things easy keep track of your hours don't go over 60/7 and write down your resets you'll be fine. If your going to run out of time just communicate with them. I've sat waiting to get picked up a couple times now due to accidents and whether both times sat for 4+hours
Actually, you don't have to restart. UPS "requires" it so everyone has a fresh 60 to work with at the beginning of the week. It is technically up to the driver. I read this on the internet so it is true.


Well-Known Member
Actually, you don't have to restart. UPS "requires" it so everyone has a fresh 60 to work with at the beginning of the week. It is technically up to the driver. I read this on the internet so it is true.
Correct but you better know how to chase your hours. It's not a hard concept I don't know why road sups don't teach this because I'm tired of having to because people get into a jam and don't get a reset and think they're screwed. Then ya have to spend 30 minutes trying to explain the system


Well-Known Member
Stressful is 200 stops blind, in feeders I just have one or two trailers, easy peasy!

Meh. If you can read a map, you shouldn't have a problem. Stress is pulling triples where you can't even see the end of your haul. Hauling thousands of lbs. down a highway in treacherous conditions.

Feeders isn't for everyone. I'll probably never make the jump.


good people drink good beer
If I still had 10 to 15 years left I would probably make the jump to feeders but with 3 to 5 years left I just want to see how this movie ends.


I'm utility...AGAIN!?
so for 3 weeks I was under the impression that class starts on the 28th.
I even saw the HR person write "7/28" by my name. luckily I ran into her this morning or else I wouldn't have found out we start ON THE 27TH!!! apparently it was a recent change but I never got a call. oh, and my sup calls me while I'm on route and asks why my rte is on the weekly bid sheet. he didn't know Im going to class. Jeez :/


Staff member
Anyone know in general how the road test goes for feeder with there cdl already ?
Probably varies a bit from area to area but basically don't hit anything, don't drag your tandems over any curbs, just show them you can handle the equipment safely. They need people right now so they're not looking for reasons to dq you.