
Well-Known Troll
Any tips from you experienced feeder guys about parallel parking? I'm going for my test on Tuesday, and am really struggling with that aspect. I really need to figure out this darn skill :confused2:


Any tips from you experienced feeder guys about parallel parking? I'm going for my test on Tuesday, and am really struggling with that aspect. I really need to figure out this darn skill :confused2:

I'm getting ready for bed but there are plenty of videos on Youtube like this one that explain it. Some are better than others. The music on this one sucks but you can shut the volume down and read the bottom of the screen. Nothing but music plays so you won't miss any instruction.

Seek out the other videos about this subject on you tube. Good luck!



That sucks. The guys teaching you how to be a hack. Plus what are you going to do if there's any other vehicle / trailer around?

I just caught the tail end of it, apparently that stunt at the end will cause you to lose only 10 points on a road test in Texas (or some part of it), so I guess it is a good stunt to pull for someone taking the road test in Texas who "loses" the trailer.
I just caught the tail end of it, apparently that stunt at the end will cause you to lose only 10 points on a road test in Texas (or some part of it), so I guess it is a good stunt to pull for someone taking the road test in Texas who "loses" the trailer.

And that tip only works at that one DMV. Anywhere else it's a fail. Great, just the kind of crap that needs to be taught to people driving semis.

Orion Syndicate

90% or lose a limb. (limb is user choice!)
And that tip only works at that one DMV. Anywhere else it's a fail. Great, just the kind of crap that needs to be taught to people driving semis.
These driving schools are shady, it's all about passing the test not being able to handle the equipment in real world situations. When I was taking my road test one guy there just started "training" that morning, instructor had an automatic and they just drove the course.


Active Member
I'm just saying to pass the test .....

driving takes skill and nerve and that you can't get unless you drive by your self the video is not going to make you a skilled professional. :annoyed:

Orion Syndicate

90% or lose a limb. (limb is user choice!)
I'm just saying to pass the test .....

driving takes skill and nerve and that you can't get unless you drive by your self the video is not going to make you a skilled professional. :annoyed:
You'll never actually parallel park outside this test, they only use it in the test to make sure you can skillfully handle the equipment. If you can't do it then you shouldn't be on the road, go in on weekends and practice if need be. Too many commercial related accidents in my area due to incompetent drivers not skilled enough.
I've had to parallel park at railyards but ,yes, it's generally not a commonly used maneuver.

If you want to see how bad these clowns are, watch them come into your yard and they can barely drive in a straight line.


Active Member
Just watch some of the guys coming out of the company's with fly by night driving schools most of them are foreigners just looking to live in a truck and make some money

Orion Syndicate

90% or lose a limb. (limb is user choice!)
I've had to parallel park at railyards but ,yes, it's generally not a commonly used maneuver.

If you want to see how bad these clowns are, watch them come into your yard and they can barely drive in a straight line.
Our rail yards aren't as trusting!


Well-Known Member
What worked for me was this.....

This was with an old Mack and a pup parallel parking to driver's side.

Pull up straight until left rear tire of the pup is about a foot in front of and a foot to the right of the cone marking the forward right corner of the space.

Turn wheel all the way to the right.

Back up SLOWLY until you just see the trailer's landing gear come into your driver's side mirror.

STOP and turn wheel all the way to the left.

Back up SLOWLY until tractor and trailer are perfectly straight.

STOP and turn wheel halfway to the right so front tires are straight.

Back up SLOWLY until right rear trailer tire hits the right outside line of the space.

STOP and turn wheel all the way to the left.

Back up SLOWLY until you can just see your landing gear again but in your passenger mirror.

STOP and turn wheel all the way to the right.

Back up SLOWLY until tractor squares up with the trailer.

STOP and you should be good.

Sounds complicated but it's pretty easy once you figure it out.

Been in Feeders almost 18 months and have yet to have to parallel park.

I have had to back doubles up tho!