
Safety Expert
I know 710 is hiring off the street but usually sleeper runs are a premium spot which would be up for bid if available. I can't see existing 710 feeder drivers standing by while sleeper drivers are hired off the street but take a shot.
That's what I was thinking...


Active Member
It's ok I just thrown away a full Time feeder job. Because could not back worth a dam in the yard guess that's what happens when you get use to flat bed oh and looked like a idiot drving the flopping around 9 speed.


Safety Expert
It's ok I just thrown away a full Time feeder job. Because could not back worth a dam in the yard guess that's what happens when you get use to flat bed oh and looked like a idiot drving the flopping around 9 speed.
There's guys been in feeders 30 years and still grind gears like it's their first day.

Orion Syndicate

90% or lose a limb. (limb is user choice!)
No just said we are not here to teach you how to back up other then that it was mostly nerves and the pos truck that got me
What day are you on, backing and shifting can take time to get down, practice is the only way you'll get it and then it will just click. Don't give up, tell them you want to practice till you get it.
Is it possible that they have so many applicants that they can just pass up questionable people(in their eyes) and move on?

Off the street hires maybe. We've had folks coming up with varying skill levels and have kept all but one who went back on his own.
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KTM rider
We had 1 DQ'd from package because she could not back. Was on a route with dock stops and would not back up to the dock. DQd and day 29.
Ya know i applied online but all the info it wanted was my name and experience and e mail address and it say's application pending. I guess just wait for another email from them?