
Safety Expert
Even if you were planning ahead to move over when traffic is merging you will still have to expect the unexpected--- a car behind you with the same idea, to move over. Now the car is trying to pass you, but he's in your blind spot and you didn't see him before your blind spot because you were looking at the merging traffic.


Staff member
Everyone that is new grinds a gear or misses one, don't focus on the little things try to always think about your next move, if you make a mistake how you recover from the mistake that is what the trainers want to see. Take your time with all of your moves and don't rush yourself. And I certainly hope that they are not still teaching how to build a set by using one of your gloves on the ground because I have never seen anyone do that it my whole career. Just saying!!
Yeah, they still do that.


Well-Known Member
There's no reason to move over when there's an on ramp regardless of their speed.

You have the right of way.

Chance this practice will lead to you accidentally side swiping another car. Talk to your region safety manager about this.

When you switch lanes you no longer have an out or time to identify one.
I have to disagree with you here Chicken. Through both weeks of Feeder school we are taught to move over, if possible, if there is heavy traffic on the on ramp as well as moving over if there is someone broken down on the shoulder.

I'm pretty sure the Feeder supes are taught this during their super intensive training school....


Safety Expert
I have to disagree with you here Chicken. Through both weeks of Feeder school we are taught to move over, if possible, if there is heavy traffic on the on ramp as well as moving over if there is someone broken down on the shoulder.

I'm pretty sure the Feeder supes are taught this during their super intensive training school....
They're teaching you wrong. Some states require you move over/slow down if there is broken down cars, emergency vehicles etc. That's required, but not for merging traffic.

Get the number for your top safety people and call them up.

Orion Syndicate

90% or lose a limb. (limb is user choice!)
Why is communication so bad?! Was told to report to a nearby hub to help out, I get here and dispatch tells me to go do a CPU, I look at him for a second and say how about a tractor? He looks at me like I'm an idiot cause apparently I was suppose to bobtail from my hub. I specifically asked when they called me if I was to report straight to the other hub and they said yes, my dispatch called me an hour after I started and asked where I was! Other than that annoying communication failure feeders is great! Lol


cap'n crunch
In our dispatch, there are part timers, and there are full timers. The full timers delegate a lot of work to the part time folks, and then don't want to have to bother with details about it again. The part timers are afraid to ask clarifications from the dispatcher. It causes communication problems. A case of the left hand not knowing what the right is doing. I'd always ask to speak to the dispatcher, plus, if I had to go up to the window for a dispatch, I wouldn't just write it down, I'd ask the dispatcher to write it down and give it to me. They have been known to give wrong trailer numbers and destinations. When feeders screws up, phones begin to ring all over town.


Well-Known Member
, if I had to go up to the window for a dispatch, I wouldn't just write it down, I'd ask the dispatcher to write it down and give it to me. They have been known to give wrong trailer numbers and destinations. When feeders screws up, phones begin to ring all over town.

The beauty of the new IVIS, the send your dispatch to your board. Any screw ups are their fault. When we go up to dispatch, if you're lucky they might tell you the trailer numbers, but they still send it to your IVIS unless you're on paper.


Well-Known Member
I have been dispatched with triples over IVIS a few times. Thing is I was going from PA to MD. Called dispatch and said that I was pretty sure triples are not allowed on the PA turnpike. Took them a few minutes to realize their error.

I was thinking about just working as directed and seeing how long it took before anyone noticed me building triples or if security would seal all three trailers....
I have been dispatched with triples over IVIS a few times. Thing is I was going from PA to MD. Called dispatch and said that I was pretty sure triples are not allowed on the PA turnpike. Took them a few minutes to realize their error.

I was thinking about just working as directed and seeing how long it took before anyone noticed me building triples or if security would seal all three trailers....
Get the extra jingle. Lol.


cap'n crunch
I retired in March, and I was off work from April the year before before that. I missed out on the IVIS messages, and the mandatory 30 minute break, etc.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the Feeder supes are taught this during their super intensive training school....

I did it once in training then missed my exit. Ended up on a curve and couldn't see the back of my trailer, so no way to know if there is someone there. My feeder sup told me to not move over. I also try not to do it, because the idiots merging then stay right next to me and won't let me back over. Then when they finally do decide to pass, all the people stuck behind me start shooting by me on the right.