Orion Syndicate

90% or lose a limb. (limb is user choice!)
It's close but we've just about doubled our tractor fleet, half brown internationals and half rental smorgasbord! Something bigs afoot.


Well-Known Member
Something afoot out this way too...new day sorts in various buildings...rails that go to different places than what is on their seal controls.....hmmmmmm


cap'n crunch
I'm gone now, but my son still works there. He tells me they are replacing the entire tractor fleet and keeping the best of the rest. They have come out and said here that they were not going to depend on the railroads anymore. Everything was going on the road. We have 6 sleeper team jobs, and they are going to add 30+. The lady in Louisville who is in charge of sleepers says the tractors have already been ordered. Evidently they hold the railroad partly responsible for the fiasco and ensuing bad PR last peak.


You smell that?
I believe the railroad hurts our time-in-transit numbers. Fine with me if I never have to go to the railyard again in my entire life.


You smell that?
I enjoy going to the Union Pacific rail yard...it's clean and organized. You pull in, drive through a little house thing that takes pictures of the trailer, stop at the kiosk, input trailer numbers and it tells you where to drop your load and where the load you need to pickup is located.

The CN rail yard we go to is a miserable experience. Trailers parked crooked, empty chassis parked in the way. You just have to drive around until you find a hole you can get in. God forbid if you have to find a trailer to bring back.


Well-Known Member
Railyard on a Sunday is the worst.....no mechanics working and the crane operators are gone as soon as everything is offloaded. If you have a bad chassis or need to switch one out you are S.O.L.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
And the shifters at the Rail drive like aaaazzzholes !!!
They go behind you backing up, they go around you, stop at a stop sign and they pass you ,they seldom use lights, they get up your butt constantly!!


Package Car is cake compared to this...
I enjoy going to the Union Pacific rail yard...it's clean and organized. You pull in, drive through a little house thing that takes pictures of the trailer, stop at the kiosk, input trailer numbers and it tells you where to drop your load and where the load you need to pickup is located.

The CN rail yard we go to is a miserable experience. Trailers parked crooked, empty chassis parked in the way. You just have to drive around until you find a hole you can get in. God forbid if you have to find a trailer to bring back.

I'm here to make money. Give me a disorganized railyard every day of the week. We had an older feeder driver laugh about the newer guys worrying about driving in the snow and say, "Those snowflakes...those are dollar bills falling from the sky."

Take a deep breath, and figure out how you want to use your money.


cap'n crunch
If a bunch of us guys got stuck hanging around at the railyard, we would all chip in and have somebody make a chicken run. Low seniority guy got to bobtail to a nearby chicken restaurant and bring some back. Railyards are real quick about calling you down or writing you up if you break "their" rules. They need to hold their own employees to the same standard.


Well-Known Member
We had a guy recently take an MT to the Pittsburgh railyard which is about four and a half hours each way. Train was late so he waited and waited and waited and waited some more but still no train.

Eventually at about the nine hour on duty mark dispatch had him bobtail all the way back to the building four and a half hours so that he would not go over 14 hours on duty.

He was driving an old International.



Well-Known Member
We had a guy recently take an MT to the Pittsburgh railyard which is about four and a half hours each way. Train was late so he waited and waited and waited and waited some more but still no train.
Eventually at about the nine hour on duty mark dispatch had him bobtail all the way back to the building four and a half hours so that he would not go over 14 hours on duty.
He was driving an old International.

Can't tell you the last time that train was actually on time...


KTM rider
I rarely pull containers on chassis and last night I did. Forgot about the rail when I ducked my head under to checking the coupling, cracked my head hard. Ugh.


cap'n crunch
I rarely pull containers on chassis and last night I did. Forgot about the rail when I ducked my head under to checking the coupling, cracked my head hard. Ugh
Whenever you pull a chassis trailer, be sure and check each corner to be sure the trailer is secured to the chassis itself. The railyard usually just sets it down on the chassis and parks it. If it falls off on your watch, it's your boo-boo.:eek: we usually carry a handful of zip ties to make sure it doesn't pop out.


Well-Known Member
We had a guy recently take an MT to the Pittsburgh railyard which is about four and a half hours each way. Train was late so he waited and waited and waited and waited some more but still no train.

Eventually at about the nine hour on duty mark dispatch had him bobtail all the way back to the building four and a half hours so that he would not go over 14 hours on duty.

He was driving an old International.


Jinxed myself. Got sent to Pittsburgh today. About five hours into my day and the train is scheduled to be here in MAYBE four hours. Hour to get it offloaded. Four and half back.....hmmmm...I may be bobtailing back today.

Luckily I DON'T have an International.