
Well-Known Troll
A lot of guys seem to think just having a zip tie in the area of the latch is sufficient. I've seen a ton of railboxes on property with the front pins zip tied OPEN or the rears zip tied backwards where tou can just turn it and it cones free from the katch and tie.

Friend of mine brought three loads from the railyard and THEN asked me if we were supposed to do anything with the rear pins. Supe only told him to zip tje front......

My sup gave me a quick talk about the latches and need for zip ties. A fellow driver later explained what to look for as far as the position of the latch, and THEN zip tie as a second layer of protection from popping off. Thank God for other drivers lol


Bite your tongue, Missy
That's not what the Diesel Bear told me. Who should I believe, him or you.

Believe whomever you want. It's your funeral.

There's a thread on here that someone started about long chassis trailers and bad latches. See how many of those a ziptie will cure.


Light 'em up!
Believe whomever you want. It's your funeral.

There's a thread on here that someone started about long chassis trailers and bad latches. See how many of those a ziptie will cure.
I understand that if the latch is that bad, do not pull it. But the latch could be a little loose and/or have some "wobble" to it. A ziptie will secure it in place. As long as the latch is secured to the front of the pin, the pin cannot move. This is on the front. On the rear, as long as the latch is secured to the pin, it cannot turn. The ziptie has no stress on it whatsoever. Again, backed up by a DOT trooper.

I agree that if there is any doubt, do not pull it. I have refused to pull them before, because they were that bad. I would not even pull them to the railyard 10 miles from the building to swap chassis.


Bite your tongue, Missy
I understand that if the latch is that bad, do not pull it. But the latch could be a little loose and/or have some "wobble" to it. A ziptie will secure it in place. As long as the latch is secured to the front of the pin, the pin cannot move. This is on the front. On the rear, as long as the latch is secured to the pin, it cannot turn. The ziptie has no stress on it whatsoever. Again, backed up by a DOT trooper.

I agree that if there is any doubt, do not pull it. I have refused to pull them before, because they were that bad. I would not even pull them to the railyard 10 miles from the building to swap chassis.

I don't think we're disagreeing on the topic. I think our definitions are just different.


Light 'em up!
On a side note, on more that 1 occasion, I have hooked to a rail box to pull it and it had all 4 bolts unlocked. This was not at a rail yard, so the last guy that pulled it did so without the box secured to the chassis. That could have been fatal, or at least disastrous.

I know of a supervisor who flipped one at a rail yard because he was making a tight turn a little too fast and the bolts were unlocked. He put it on its side. Luckily, no one was hurt. Still working for us?...of course. Any time off? What do you think?

Two different sets of rules for us and them. That is why there will always be an us and them.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
feeder tip # 28,8 Eat after you have gone through the weigh station !! Applies mostly to Worcester & Hartford drivahs !!


Well-Known Member
Feeder Tip #87

If you have a tractor with a tag axle (training wheels, fake drives, play tractor, etc) try not to back it up onto a curb and lift the actual drives off the ground.

Saw a new guy(well NEWER guy, I still consider myself a new feedah) do this last night parking it. I let him scratch his head for a sec then I helped him down.


Well-Known Member
Fedder Tip #9
If sent to a building that you have never been to before make sure you know where the feeder entrance is.

It can be quite difficult to maneuver a 53' back out of the employee/customer counter parking lot....:eek:


cap'n crunch
In Houston, the employee parking lot and company vehicle entrance are side by side, separated by about a 1' curb. you can count on at least 2 rookies and 6 or so independents to turn into the employee parking lot every peak. Never park on the end of a row in the employee parking lot during peak! lol.


Well-Known Member
Had a car coming the wrong way on the Freeway at me tonight. Couldn't even tell they were on my side until they were a block away due to a curve and the darkness. Good thing they were in the hammer lane (their right lane) or they would probably be dead. Kinda scary to think about.

Second time I've seen this in the last 2 months. 6ish months ago a lady was killed on a head on collision with a semi doing the same thing that I came up on about an hour later. How the hell do people not notice merging right, signs backwards, traffic going the same way to the right of them, etc?


good people drink good beer
Had a car coming the wrong way on the Freeway at me tonight. Couldn't even tell they were on my side until they were a block away due to a curve and the darkness. Good thing they were in the hammer lane (their right lane) or they would probably be dead. Kinda scary to think about.

Second time I've seen this in the last 2 months. 6ish months ago a lady was killed on a head on collision with a semi doing the same thing that I came up on about an hour later. How the hell do people not notice merging right, signs backwards, traffic going the same way to the right of them, etc?

I heard this from a former highway patrolman. Only stay in the left lane if you can see the red tail lights of the vehicle ahead of you.


cap'n crunch
Probably saw that 4 or 5 times in my feeder career. One night another guy and I were leaving one building, going back to our hub. There was a guy on the other side of the freeway going the same direction we were. We tried to get their attention, then tried to get ahead of them to flash our lights to warn oncoming traffic, but they were going faster than we were. They were ahead of us by about 2 overpasses when I saw a mushroom cloud go up. A head on with an innocent person in the hammer lane going the right way. Frustrating, very frustrating. I was on the cell with the police when it happened.


Well-Known Member
Saw it once in CT on Rt84, called 911 and reported it. I was in the granny lane and wrong way was in the hammer lane. Never heard anything more about it.

Was a big tie-up a couple of months ago on the NY Thruway, cause was a wrong way driver. Wrong way was supposed to have been an off duty cop.


Well-Known Member
Feeder Tip #43

Wear long pants even in the summer time to keep your left leg from getting sunburned. You don't want to wear shorts and use sun tan lotion because then all of your fellow feeder drivers will constantly remind you of how sweet and tropical you smell!