
Well-Known Member
It's not the 53', it's the yard made for 40' trailers.
I agree 100%.

If dispatch wants me to put my inbound 53' on our primary between 2 other 53's and I have a twin screw I don't even try. I just drop it in front of the hole and go find a shifter. Not worth the aggravation or possible yard accident. I might try it if I have a Sterling but even some of our shifters have a hard time getting the 53's on doors.


Staff member
The other night at burt dispatch wanted me to put my 53' between 2 LCs I made one try and it wasn't happening so I found a shifter, he told me he couldn't do it either just drop it on the 200 row and they'd deal with it later.


nowhere special
If a guys sizing it up it probably is only a 40'. ;)

Objects In The Mirror May Be Larger Than They Appear


Well-Known Member
The other night at burt dispatch wanted me to put my 53' between 2 LCs I made one try and it wasn't happening so I found a shifter, he told me he couldn't do it either just drop it on the 200 row and they'd deal with it later.

That whole side of the building was completely FUBAR tonight. Cant wait to see the carnage next month!


Bite your tongue, Missy
I don't understand why ups doesn't lease all tractors its a better tax right off


For example the new LNG tractors. UPS is getting subsidies to buy them and install the refilling stations. It will get credits for both emissions as well as fuel economy across the board for its entire fleet as the LNGs will raise the corporate average. Then they will also get tax credits for bringing them in.
When all is said and done the determination is UPS will essentially have gotten them for free.


Lunch is the best part of the day
I don't like that the natural gas is odorless. And every time I drive past the filling station large amounts of white fog is everywhere


Well-Known Member
Those LNGs sure run quiet. Wonder how well they pull?
They pull very well. You have more top end power so you feel the power from 1400-1800 then it makes a funny noise when you shift. They're quiet, the fuel gauges don't work but just fill up after every use and no problem. The cabs have lights and sirens to notify you of a gas leak. It's new technology would be nice if it takes off for the price a diesel equivalent gallon costs.