
Well-Known Member
I had the same problem at first as well forgetting what gear I was in and trying to figure out what gear to be in at what speed. Once you get that down the rest of the stuff comes easy because you are no longer concentrating on the gears

Sounds like you are doing just fine though, welcome to feeders :)

Sent from a Glade plug-in


I'm utility...AGAIN!?
Stay with it...before long you won't even need the clutch.

Pulling doubles is easier than a 53'.

And burn legs, lines, fifth wheel into your brain so you don't drop a trailer while unhooking.

it's "legs, lines, levers" for us but yes my trainer is always repeating that to me. the other day in a yard another feeder guy almost pulled away with his glad hands still attached. he's very lucky we were there because one of the other trainers was able to stop him before he had 2 glad hands rocketing towards his head.

one really big gripe so far. and it's not with the training. we missed an entire day's worth of practice because dispatch needed rails pulled. even the trainers were ticked off. I mean, i got drive time practice and all...but it just doesn't make sense to get green, wet behind the ears rookies out of training to cover something that i'm sure other drivers were available for. but then again-it is UPS :P


Bite your tongue, Missy
one really big gripe so far. and it's not with the training. we missed an entire day's worth of practice because dispatch needed rails pulled. even the trainers were ticked off. I mean, i got drive time practice and all...but it just doesn't make sense to get green, wet behind the ears rookies out of training to cover something that i'm sure other drivers were available for. but then again-it is UPS :P

It's what you'll be doing so get used to it.


Well-Known Member
I start my peak run tonight. Kind of nervous but excited at the same time. I have either been shifting or back in package. Not much road time. Hopefully ill remember how to set up doubles. Wish me luck. Oh 1 question. Im sure im in a rental. Is a cb a must have and if so any tips on what to get.


You smell that?
A CB is not a necessity but they're nice to have if you can run with a group. Makes the night go by faster. I have a Cobra 29 Nightwatch with an Astatic mic and I'm happy with it.


KTM rider
I listen to podcasts. There are a couple of legs on the routes that I cover that I could be using the CB to talk to guys that are going to centers farther out than I am. So far though, podcasts hold my interest well enough that it has not been an issue.


Well-Known Member
About the only time people talk on cb's anymore is guys running together or when there is a traffic jam. You can go for hours on the road and not here a peep.


Well-Known Member
I've been a UPS cover driver for 10 months. This isn't what I want to do for a career. I wonder if UPS requires experience when hiring tractor trailer drivers? I don't have a CLD-A. I have a class B not that it matters. I'm thinking of going to tractor trailer school when things slow down Jan-Feb. I'm thinking UPS doesn't work with people to use a vehicle on a road test?


To be the man, you gotta beat the man.
I've been a UPS cover driver for 10 months. This isn't what I want to do for a career. I wonder if UPS requires experience when hiring tractor trailer drivers? I don't have a CLD-A. I have a class B not that it matters. I'm thinking of going to tractor trailer school when things slow down Jan-Feb. I'm thinking UPS doesn't work with people to use a vehicle on a road test?
It's called feeders bro. No you don't need experience driving for UPS. You need a class A license, with certain endorsements, make sure to ask which ones you need. And yes you should leave package ASAP and get into feeders. You are trained for two weeks, the first week is usually getting trained with the equipment, paper work, driving around the city, building sets, backing up etc. Second week you and a trainer are put on a run all week, then friday you and your trainer will go get your license. They provide the truck and trailer all you do is show up. It is the easiest job I have ever had and I make so much money I don't know what to do with it. It is scary and tough the first couple of months but you get to a point where you almost enjoy it. Trust me I hate working, I am one of the laziest guys you will ever meet, and I never wanted to drive a truck but I can't see myself doing anything else now. You'll make friends in feeders, you'll start running together, next thing you know you weeks fly by because it's more fun than work. Don't think about it or hesitate, get your license as soon as you can so you can be the first one in the first class. You want to have as many people under you as you can get.


To be the man, you gotta beat the man.
Oh and a tip, ask management if you can practice backing trailers in a tractor. I think this is the hardest part for most people. I was a shifter so I had a huge advantage in class.


Got the T-Shirt
No you don't need experience driving for UPS.

That depends.... on where you are.

You need a class A license, with certain endorsements, make sure to ask which ones you need.

Class A, with endorsements for doubles and triples.

You are trained for two weeks, the first week is usually getting trained with the equipment, paper work, driving around the city, building sets, backing up etc. Second week you and a trainer are put on a run all week, then friday you and your trainer will go get your license. They provide the truck and trailer all you do is show up.

Again.... that depends where you are.



KTM rider
It really does depend on where you are. Like BUG points out, some hubs are sending people with less than a year FT to feeder school. Out state centers are another matter. If you are at my center, I think there will be a feeder school bid hung this year, but it will be to cover vacations only. There will not be a FT feeder bid in my center for years. I will probably never have my own feeder bid.