
Well-Known Member
Wow...40+ not driving? Isn't there a sign right out front that says "Hiring Tractor Trailer Drivers"????

Yep. Some people seem to think they're doing it just to make them work in the building. Makes no sense. We're also going to lose some volume when American Eagle closes their distribution center this summer. I don't know why they need even more drivers..


Well-Known Member
Yep. Some people seem to think they're doing it just to make them work in the building. Makes no sense. We're also going to lose some volume when American Eagle closes their distribution center this summer. I don't know why they need even more drivers..
Get paid top rate to work inside? How could you complain. I think our american eagle is suppose to run full force soon and Nordstrom should soon be opening their location I would think. But yeah I hear the same thing we are training next week but yet people are still inside.... Haven't seen anyone being trained yet.


Pineapple King
Get paid top rate to work inside? How could you complain. I think our american eagle is suppose to run full force soon and Nordstrom should soon be opening their location I would think. But yeah I hear the same thing we are training next week but yet people are still inside.... Haven't seen anyone being trained yet.
I don't believe you get top rate for long. Here you get the rate for whatever job you bump into and the rate is what you would be making had that been your job all the time. If that makes any sense.


Well-Known Member
Get paid top rate to work inside? How could you complain. I think our american eagle is suppose to run full force soon and Nordstrom should soon be opening their location I would think. But yeah I hear the same thing we are training next week but yet people are still inside.... Haven't seen anyone being trained yet.

A lot of the people from peak haven't even made their 30 days yet. The bottom 10 or so were casuals that got hired on fulltime and haven't made seniority yet. They aren't working at all. Where is Nordstrom opening?


New personal record yesterday...dispatch at my turn around held me for 7 hours...yes SEVEN HOURS for a sleeper load. It's close to four hours each way. Do the math. Yes, I was extended two hours and yes I needed all 120 minutes of the extension.

I was not happy.

When you say a "sleeper" load, do you mean a load that you did as a sleeper team (with another driver in the bunk) or a sleeper load that you were just helping shuttle across the country a bit with you returning to the same home terminal that you return to every night?

If as a sleeper team, then obviously, the rested driver can take over.

If you're shuttling a by-pass load, and you are returning to the same home terminal, you do have the ability to get a two hour extension as long you do it no more than once a week and as long as it does not mean more than eleven hours driving.


Well-Known Member
A lot of the people from peak haven't even made their 30 days yet. The bottom 10 or so were casuals that got hired on fulltime and haven't made seniority yet. They aren't working at all. Where is Nordstrom opening?
Damn it took people here awhile to get their 30 days in and now they aren't working much because they're stubborn won't work inside (we get top rate) and refuse to work Saturdays or Sunday's. I have no pitty you're on the bottom you take what you can get to start. I never got a nice silver platter.


Well-Known Member
Damn it took people here awhile to get their 30 days in and now they aren't working much because they're stubborn won't work inside (we get top rate) and refuse to work Saturdays or Sunday's. I have no pitty you're on the bottom you take what you can get to start. I never got a nice silver platter.

I get my current driving rate when I work inside, which I do quite a bit. It just sucks for the guys that can only work midnight or the casuals.


Well-Known Member
Wherever they need me. Those of us that go in typically work 5pm to about 2 or 3am. Some people can only work the midnight shift in the building, and other (the casuals) can't work in the building at all since they haven't made their 30 days. We typically have to call in between 3 and 3:30 to see if we are guaranteed any work driving. That place is a complete


Well-Known Member
Wherever they need me. Those of us that go in typically work 5pm to about 2 or 3am. Some people can only work the midnight shift in the building, and other (the casuals) can't work in the building at all since they haven't made their 30 days. We typically have to call in between 3 and 3:30 to see if we are guaranteed any work driving. That place is a complete
Why can some people only work the midnight shift? Are they not guaranteed 8?


cap'n crunch
I figured they would have feeder guys driving the irreg trains..
These are about the only things I never drove in my ups career. 95% of my feeder time I worked friday nights. I would usually get off around 2-3am Saturday mornings. The hub guys would just leave those electric carts wherever they were when their shift ended fri night. I used to jump on one of the orange carts and take them for a spin around the hub since the hub was deserted. Took a while to get used to those sharp turns. lol.


That's not a reason to give you 2 hrs extra. It wasn't "adverse driving conditions" or "emergency conditions". They could have sent you back and sent another driver out. They would be just a liable as you if anything happened since they knew about this at time of dispatch. Did your IVIS turn red and go ding, ding, ding?

If you had an accident they would have denied extending you.

In cases like this I have the dispatcher get a driver standing around to witness him (dispatcher) instructing me to extend.

Ok, it wasn't adverse driving conditions or emergency conditions that was the reasoning for the allowing of this driver to work and drive past his fourteen hour clock. It was this provision of the hours of service rules:

2. 16-Hour Exception
  • The 16-hour exception is designed to be used for 1-day work schedules, where the driver begins and ends at the same terminal
  • Drive time may not exceed 11 hours
  • The driver may not use both the 16 hour exception and the Adverse Driving Conditions exception together
  • If you layover on any day the 16-hour exception is no longer available to use, including on the day you layover
  • Once you have used the 16-hour exception, you may not use it again until you have had a 34-hour reset
  • You may not drive past the 16th hour coming on-duty

So it even if the driver had an accident, he would have been okay in terms of not violating the hours of service rules.

So not an ideal situation for the driver that posted the story of his seven hour wait for the load, but not an illegal one either.


Well-Known Member
That's such a touchy subject pickup. It could easily be argued driver knew before they left to come back thru weren't going to make it. I always took it if you left and got delayed on the way back that's one thing. But to wait and know you won't make it before you left and take an extension for a through load or any load at that matter. What would be the difference if sort ran longer than expected and you knew you wouldn't get back without an extension? Just looking at different scenarios I read the rule it's just such a gray area and I'm not a fan of it.


That's such a touchy subject pickup. It could easily be argued driver knew before they left to come back thru weren't going to make it. I always took it if you left and got delayed on the way back that's one thing. But to wait and know you won't make it before you left and take an extension for a through load or any load at that matter. What would be the difference if sort ran longer than expected and you knew you wouldn't get back without an extension? Just looking at different scenarios I read the rule it's just such a gray area and I'm not a fan of it.

There are actually two rules that give you a "16 Hour Clock" , I cut and pasted one of them , now I will cut and paste both of them.:

2. 16-Hour Exception
  • The 16-hour exception is designed to be used for 1-day work schedules, where the driver begins and ends at the same terminal
  • Drive time may not exceed 11 hours
  • The driver may not use both the 16 hour exception and the Adverse Driving Conditions exception together
  • If you layover on any day the 16-hour exception is no longer available to use, including on the day you layover
  • Once you have used the 16-hour exception, you may not use it again until you have had a 34-hour reset
  • You may not drive past the 16th hour coming on-duty
3. Adverse Driving Conditions Exception
  • If a driver cannot safely complete the run within the maximum driving time of 11-hours, that driver may drive up to an additional two hours in order to reach a place offering safety for the driver and cargo. However, the driver may not drive after the 14th hour since coming on duty.
  • If weather conditions will not safely allow you to pull off (i.e. at a hotel, truck stop, etc.) and stop for 10 hours off-duty, then you may extend your drive time up to two hours
  • This exception does not mean that you can work longer because of bad weather. If you can safely stop and layover within your 11 hour drive time you must do so (provided you cannot make it back to your home terminal within 14 hours, or under the 16-hour exception, if available.

So we have two rules, you can use the 16 hour exception with no details of the delay needed to do so. You don't need to not have had prior knowledge that you couldn't make the trip within your 14 hour clock. We have had feeder drivers make an extra rail run (a 10 mile round trip) leaving in their 13 1/2 hour and coming back past their 14th hour, using the 16 hour exception.

I have used the 16th hour exception on occasions, when I got stuck waiting for a load. It's no big deal, legally. But there are no more ways to extend your time on the road after that. If you are working into your 15th hour and you hit some delay that is going to push you past your 16th hour. That's it, no more driving. You need to call a supervisor and find out whether they will send out someone to drive you in or put you up in hotel, etc.
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