
Well-Known Member
It's simple, really. In feeders, you simply don't move your body around much. Almost the complete opposite of package car.

Most movement is in a spotter, which most sane feeder drivers avoid like the plague. Time DRAAAAGGs in a spotter. It is very easy work, no rush, BUT, nine hours in a spotter is like a weekend with the ex.

Local work (Pickups, railroad runs) is next, but is also slow work. AND, you tend to be driving your equipment in heavy traffic and next to moronic civilian drivers. Only difference is you get away from the yard.

A good road run is next. Not much movement on road runs, but the job is easy (weather permitting, of course), and time moves along nicely. You will be ok if you limit your calories, and join a gym or make a home workout program. This is what I do. I ate good in PC, and knew what was in store for me in feeders, so my diet was ready for feeders. But the lack of movement surprised me. For me, I didn't mind working out outside of work, but I also like to work 60 hours if I can. And the only problem with that is you are balancing working nights, figuring out your sleep and trying to fit your workouts in there somehow. If you get tired, guess which one gets the short shrift? Uh huh.

But sleeper team is the worst. For feeders, anyway. It's still light years ahead of any package car job, as far as hassle, workload and pay. The pay is the same as mileage, so it is better than any hourly feeder job. But sleeper teams define lack of movement. Drive, then get in the bunk. Exercise? Stretching your legs is your exercise in a sleeper team job. So you better have a mean ass degree of will power in your diet.

If I drove in a sleeper team, I would have to carry a dozen cans of chicken broth and a bag of turkey bones just to stay even on the scale. Oh yeah, you are gone all week in most sleeper jobs. It's a real hard job to stay married in. In sleepers, you are a legitimate, over-the-road trucker. You even have a big boy air horn, instead of a wimpy package car horn like the rest of us.

Where I'm at, most "B" drivers are low seniority drivers. It pays very, very well. Most jobs here pay each driver at least $2000 a week. And you almost never have to deal with the suits. But most of us would rather go home every night.

Just my two cents...

None of that answers my question------rather than eat truck stop garbage, why don't you guys just pack your own lunch/snacks? You would eat better and have a few $$$ in your pocket.

We have a pkg driver who told us he spends up to $14 per day while on road. There are 20 working days per month----that works out to $280/month, which is just a few dollars more than my car payment.


Well-Known Member
None of that answers my question------rather than eat truck stop garbage, why don't you guys just pack your own lunch/snacks? You would eat better and have a few $$$ in your pocket.

We have a pkg driver who told us he spends up to $14 per day while on road. There are 20 working days per month----that works out to $280/month, which is just a few dollars more than my car payment.
Sounds like he got a sleeper run and after he starts won't be returning home for 5 days. Yeah he can pack snacks and what not but anything warm he will be buying on the road.


Well-Known Member
Although, there is a new female belt supe over on the 182-213 side.

It's been forever since I've been in the building during the day shift. They magically never have any work for most of us on the extra board. You should stick around for the twi sort one day to check some of them out. "Break down on property" hahaha.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
None of that answers my question------rather than eat truck stop garbage, why don't you guys just pack your own lunch/snacks? You would eat better and have a few $$$ in your pocket.

We have a pkg driver who told us he spends up to $14 per day while on road. There are 20 working days per month----that works out to $280/month, which is just a few dollars more than my car payment.

I didn't think I had to spell it out quite that clearly for you. I DO bring my own food. You don't like having an accurate picture drawn for you, do you?


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Sounds like he got a sleeper run and after he starts won't be returning home for 5 days. Yeah he can pack snacks and what not but anything warm he will be buying on the road.

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No, didn't get a sleeper run. You couldn't drag me into one of those jobs. If I could put it in a large print coloring book for Mr. Upstate, it would be between the lines, of course, but it would repeat what I said last night. And that would be: I bring my lunch, healthy food, fruits, nuts and a protein bar. I stay away from the truck stop food.

Better yet: eat good stop stretch live long. Just like an Upstate reply, minus the insult.


Well-Known Member
When is feeders going to buy any of those newer International "Lone star" models that kind of look like a transformer? I'd love to rock one of those
Lol never, too much bling for ups. We should be happy to have air ride and trucks with a radio now, although I'm sure it's something mack said look this is all we are making now.


Light 'em up!
Lol never, too much bling for ups. We should be happy to have air ride and trucks with a radio now, although I'm sure it's something mack said look this is all we are making now.
That it all they have been making for years. UPS told Mack that if they wanted their business, they would have to install springs.

They also came standard with a radio and UPS paid Mack extra to not install it.

Mack fimally told UPS that they would no longer put springs on their trucks, by way of quoting them a ridiculous amount to do it.

They had to wait until the model year trucks were built and then retool their assembly line to accommodate UPS and their springs.

UPS saw the light. It was cheaper to maintain springs vs airbags, but not anymore with the cost from Mack to put springs on them in the first place.

Same with the radios. They are no longer paying Mack extra to not install a free standard item.