At fault. Preventable.


Well-Known Member
Oh now you're trying to skirt the real issue and that is your beloved company's lack of candor and specificity when it comes to the development interpretation and application of it's policies including as they pertain to vehicle accidents. The fact that years ago you taught a driver safety class means nothing especially if you as the instructor was not accredited . The issue as people are pointing out here is your company's application of it's policies are all over the map. As IWBF pointed out when it comes to contractor settlements your perfect little company will try to beat you anyway they can policy be damned. If you want to continue to close you eyes to the suspect and dubious business practices of your perfect little company be my guest but the rest of us will continue to confront and when the opportunity arises continue to challenge it's business and labor practices which are not one bit more ethical than an anyone else's.
As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about. I actually was trained and certified to do this training. I enjoyed it but riding in that jump seat 2 days a week kicked my tail. My fat butt and that small seat was not a good match. Not sure if you ever drove a Z-van but that passenger seat was nothing but a cushion. Go ahead and ramble on about something else you hate. You are very good at that.


Well-Known Member
She was waiting at a red light, car rear ended her, she did not hit the vehicle in front of her. Suggested she GFT, she chose not to. End of story.
Why would someone accept a lame letter for an accident that was not preventable? Sounds like there possibly is more to the story or she was an idiot for doing nothing.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Perhaps what I said to the safety manager years ago might still be relevant today. " Your company divested itself of every workplace health and safety related liability as it pertains to this endeavor yet you're standing here barking at us about safety. How hypocritical can you get"? His answer......"I can't argue that point".........He retired a few months later.

Wow, you really showed him!

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Wrong. What I did was something you never that the spine to do. Stand up to that company expose it's hypocrisy contradictions and double standards and make them eat them.

Or in your case, you risked nothing and complained about something to someone who has virtually no control over it.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
She was waiting at a red light, car rear ended her, she did not hit the vehicle in front of her. Suggested she GFT, she chose not to. End of story.

You can't GFT the safety guy's ruling that an accident or occurrence was preventable. You would instead submit a request for redetermination and it would go to your regional VP. Barring any other pertinent information that isn't being included in the post, the VP would likely find in the driver's favor.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you really showed him!
To his credit he would not deny the existence of the endless supply of contradiction and double standards born out of a unilaterally drafted and implemented contractor operating agreement whose terms XG freely admits that it doesn't consider to be binding upon itself. Then again it considers the matter to be in their words......."subjective". Subjected to what? What definition? What criteria? What past practices? Perhaps serving in your current capacity as fourth assistant vice president for nonessential operations you should certainly be able to put this matter in a clearer perspective.


Well-Known Member
To his credit he would not deny the existence of the endless supply of contradiction and double standards born out of a unilaterally drafted and implemented contractor operating agreement whose terms XG freely admits that it doesn't consider to be binding upon itself. Then again it considers the matter to be in their words......."subjective". Subjected to what? What definition? What criteria? What past practices? Perhaps serving in your current capacity as fourth assistant vice president for nonessential operations you should certainly be able to put this matter in a clearer perspective.
Dang. You ALMOST sound intelligent


Well-Known Member
Dang. You ALMOST sound intelligent
Same old same old out of you .When you can't answer the legitimate questions I put forth on this thread you resort to personal attacks. Over your nearly two generations of employment with what you consider to be a perfect company to work for one could reasonably believe that you would be able to see a consistent pattern of behavior and policy application when it comes to everyday work matters. if you can't then say so. It would appear that when it comes to policy matters as they pertain to contractors and employees the only thing I see that is consistent is that anybody who stands up for themselves would otherwise be terminated with the only exception being that they have no alternative human or mechanical resource .


Well-Known Member
Same old same old out of you .When you can't answer the legitimate questions I put forth on this thread you resort to personal attacks. Over your nearly two generations of employment with what you consider to be a perfect company to work for one could reasonably believe that you would be able to see a consistent pattern of behavior and policy application when it comes to everyday work matters. if you can't then say so. It would appear that when it comes to policy matters as they pertain to contractors and employees the only thing I see that is consistent is that anybody who stands up for themselves would otherwise be terminated with the only exception being that they have no alternative human or mechanical resource .
You are ALMOST there


Well-Known Member
You are way too smart. I believe Warren Buffett seeks out your wisdom.
Wrong. Whenever I believed that your perfect little company was behaving in bad faith I wasn't afraid to speak up. As a contractor knowing that they had nobody else readily available to take over my 34 zip code area as well as knowing that I would never be anything more than a route contractor I had some freedom to speak my mind. Yes they hated me but at the same time some of my happiest work experiences was catching them in a lie.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. Whenever I believed that your perfect little company was behaving in bad faith I wasn't afraid to speak up. As a contractor knowing that they had nobody else readily available to take over my 34 zip code area as well as knowing that I would never be anything more than a route contractor I had some freedom to speak my mind. Yes they hated me but at the same time some of my happiest work experiences was catching them in a lie.

Oh my!!

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
To his credit he would not deny the existence of the endless supply of contradiction and double standards born out of a unilaterally drafted and implemented contractor operating agreement whose terms XG freely admits that it doesn't consider to be binding upon itself. Then again it considers the matter to be in their words......."subjective". Subjected to what? What definition? What criteria? What past practices?

Considering your penchant for silly rambling, do you think he's going to extend the conversation any longer than he has to?

Perhaps serving in your current capacity as fourth assistant vice president for nonessential operations you should certainly be able to put this matter in a clearer perspective.

Certainly. You're insane. How's that?


Well-Known Member
I would've loved seeing Oldfart train someone. "What? You didn't follow the rules back there! But then anyone who doesn't do what I told them to do must be one of the most miserable people alive! Your fabulous company provided you with a wonderful vehicle, and you don't aim high in steering?!! Ingrate!!!!"


Well-Known Member
Of course. More so now. This is no different than how our president has treated building contractors for years and America seems to be ok with that.
That's not a very strong argument when you have to use Drumpf as an example. Just sayin.........


Staff member
That's not a very strong argument when you have to use Drumpf as an example. Just sayin.........
He, with all his flaws exposed, won the presidency.
Fact is, contracting exists only for the benefit of big business in any industry and abuse of it is a give. Everybody knows it, nobody cares.

Pretty strong argument. Just sayin...