Well it's just something to do. We're not bothering you are we? I mean there have been several other threads concerning faith and I've not intervened in your right to talk about your beliefs and thoughts. I found some of those threads by Integrity pretty good reading to be honest. You guys should do that more often. Integrity was really posing some good questions and you were showing potential of going even deeper. And yet I never uttered a peep the whole time. Never gave it a seconds thought of doing so either. You never even knew I was there. I respected your space and your freedom to speak. And had you asked of me, I would have told you to keep going and then stepped back.
This is an atheist thread, although it was started by anything but, however why can't atheists or those of non belief talk about their own ideas and thoughts? And in a thread by that very title? Are you saying atheists are not entitled to talk in public about their ideas, thoughts and how they arrived at them? I'm to respect you when you talk and yet you pull a Bill O'Reilly on me and just tell me to shut up? How "liberal" of you!
And there's another thing. Why did god create us with a brain if he didn't want us to use it? Why create thinking, deductive reasoning and logic if using these tools would be counterproductive as it relates to god? As the great creator of the universe, why create the "question" if he never intended for us to ask any? Even the really deep, questioning ones. If there really is a god and I'm wrong, I at least feel comfortable that his first words to me will be, "thanks for not believing all that bullschitt they made up about me. I gave you a brain and the capacity to think for a reason."
You see atheists like asking questions and discussing the potential answers and as I said, being this is the atheist thread. You know!
Maybe next time instead of complaining to me, you might speak with Moreluck about opening cans of worms, writing a check none of you want to cash or how sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs just sleep.