

Staff member
Or an Atheist has a stronger belief is his/her beliefs.
​As originally implied by bbsam, the wisdom learned from a retrospective analysis of their beliefs, projections, etc. cause an Agnostic to be less sure that their beliefs are absolute.

anything else seems less than honest in searching


Staff member
Or an Atheist has a stronger belief is his/her beliefs.
​As originally implied by bbsam, the wisdom learned from a retrospective analysis of their beliefs, projections, etc. cause an Agnostic to be less sure that their beliefs are absolute.
That's the kind of thing I was talking about when I referred to negative perceptions, one being the idea that atheism is a belief or belief system when it's actually the opposite. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a god/gods, it's not an indicator of anything else about the person beyond that. Any statement that starts with "Atheists believe that..." is already wrong.


Staff member
It has always seemed to me that atheists are as quick as most others to discuss what they believe. Many such as Christopher Hitchens ar compelling in their viewpoints.


Staff member
It has always seemed to me that atheists are as quick as most others to discuss what they believe. Many such as Christopher Hitchens are compelling in their viewpoints.
But those are Hitchen's beliefs, not necessarily anyone else's.


Nine Lives
That's the kind of thing I was talking about when I referred to negative perceptions, one being the idea that atheism is a belief or belief system when it's actually the opposite. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a god/gods, it's not an indicator of anything else about the person beyond that. Any statement that starts with "Atheists believe that..." is already wrong.

That may be one type of Atheist and probably is but I am not aware of those type of Atheists because they would never take the time or effort to ridicule or argue about religion.

​If one speaks out against religion or ridicules religion, then they believe in "there is no God", whether they are able to see that or not.


Staff member
I hear them quoted much like they came from the pope himself. Moreso in some circles.
I have never heard anyone quote Hitchens like he is the pope himself, where do you hear people doing that?
To be honest I don't know that I've heard anyone quoting the pope either.


Staff member
That may be one type of Atheist and probably is but I am not aware of those type of Atheists because they would never take the time or effort to ridicule or argue about religion.

​If one speaks out against religion or ridicules religion, then they believe in "there is no God", whether they are able to see that or not.
You're continuing to refer to what your own perception of atheism is rather that what it actually is which is exactly my point. You've encountered some atheists you didn't care for and now you identify all atheists that way, but you're not actually talking about atheism you're talking about the behavior of certain individuals. It would be like me basing my perception of Christianity entirely on Pat Robertson.


Engorged Member
Agnostic means one is not sure whether there is a God or not.
Atheist means one does not believe there is a God.
An Atheist tends to go through Agnosticism on the way to Atheism but some do not make that leap into an absolute state.
We can agree to disagree. :wink2:

The only people I absolutely disagree with are the ones that go out of their way to try and impress and express their views on others.

I think you nailed it. "Live and let live". Everyone should be free to believe whatever they wish...and then keep it among themselves and those that believe the same way.


Staff member
I don't think it needs to go that far. I am very at ease professing my faith (such that it is). In doing so I don't look to convert anybody, nor am I threatened by the expressions of belief that differ radically from my own. Science has light years to go to solve the riddles of the universe and eons to go beyond that to tackle the heart and soul of the human being. For some as myself, God reaches across that expanse to make some sense of it for me.


Well-Known Member
Agnostic means one is not sure whether there is a God or not.
Atheist means one does not believe there is a God.
An Atheist tends to go through Agnosticism on the way to Atheism but some do not make that leap into an absolute state.
We can agree to disagree. :wink2:

The only people I absolutely disagree with are the ones that go out of their way to try and impress and express their views on others.

I think you nailed it. "Live and let live". Everyone should be free to believe whatever they wish...and then keep it among themselves and those that believe the same way.

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet."--Jesus in Matthew 10:14

Quite the contrast from "God will get ya for that!" Or "Submit or die."

No, this is all Christianity is supposed to be period....."But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect," --1 Peter 2:15


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
That may be one type of Atheist and probably is but I am not aware of those type of Atheists because they would never take the time or effort to ridicule or argue about religion.

​If one speaks out against religion or ridicules religion, then they believe in "there is no God", whether they are able to see that or not.

You mean one cannot ridicule religion or a religious belief without being an atheist?


Well-Known Member
That may be one type of Atheist and probably is but I am not aware of those type of Atheists because they would never take the time or effort to ridicule or argue about religion.

​If one speaks out against religion or ridicules religion, then they believe in "there is no God", whether they are able to see that or not.

You mean one cannot ridicule religion or a religious belief without being an atheist?

No way... I make it a point to ridicule all religion personally. Religion is man made. If religion could save anyone there never be a need of a redeemer to satisfy Gods wrath and pay the price only the life death and resurrection of His Son could pay in full. ;)


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
No way... I make it a point to ridicule all religion personally. Religion is man made. If religion could save anyone there never be a need of a redeemer to satisfy Gods wrath and pay the price only the life death and resurrection of His Son could pay in full. ;)

Wow! Could you put that into a comprehensible sentence or two?


Well-Known Member
Haha... Easy.

Religion is of the devil.

True religion is this, that you look after orphans and widows. (James 1:27)

Not, give us money for prayers for your loved ones soul in purgatory.


Well-Known Member
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24)

Showboating ones spirituality in public while taking pride in ones self righteousness is hardly pleasing to a God that claims that "without faith it is impossible to please Him, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6)
