

Well-Known Member
What's the point in posting a link of a web page that in its very title makes an absolute claim it can't prove either?

The arguments listed in the link make a whole lot more sense to me than those that try to 'prove' the existence of a divine power.

To each his own.


golden ticket member
Arguing God on Sunday.....especially Mother's Day is inconsiderate and rude! You are all going to hell or Hades or whatever you believe in!!


Nine Lives
Arguing God on Sunday.....especially Mother's Day is inconsiderate and rude! You are all going to hell or Hades or whatever you believe in!!

Think it is time for anonymous to jump in here and put these defamers of women in their rightful place.
​Can't we all just love our women and put them up on a pedestal as God intended?

A civilization can be judged on how well that treat their women. - George Wills


Staff member
I'm not posting this with any delusions of proving a damn thing...just that, he makes several vital well made points that are foolish to brush off as mere chance. 0+0= the universe? Even I don't have that kind of radical faith. There had to be a first cause, period.

Why the Bible? Ravi Zacharias at the University of Illinois - YouTube

actually, getting past algebra, geometry, calculus and other such studies brought my sister to classes such as "non-Euclidian geometry". In such realms, 0+0 may actually equal the universe. Or 42.


Staff member
you can't scare an atheist by telling them to go to hell

the logic fails

the only thing that should trouble an atheist is the vast depth and array of subjects that they don't have full knowledge of. With all that is not known, I find it fascinating that so many insist that there is no god.


Nine Lives
the only thing that should trouble an atheist is the vast depth and array of subjects that they don't have full knowledge of. With all that is not known, I find it fascinating that so many insist that there is no god.

Exactly ... I have a lot more respect for an agnostic than an atheist.
I was an agnostic for a few years until I learned to separate "the church and humans" from God.
I was never an atheist because of the reason you stated.


Well-Known Member
Exactly ... I have a lot more respect for an agnostic than an atheist.
I was an agnostic for a few years until I learned to separate "the church and humans" from God.
I was never an atheist because of the reason you stated.

I used to think of myself as an agnostic, but I don't identify that way anymore.

I think it's not entirely correct to classify atheism as the disbelief of deities...

Around 2:00 minutes explains this quite well - thanks wkmac!

Personally, I have no particular belief one way or another that there is or isn't a god. Nothing I've experienced has ever led me to the conclusion that a god exists, and I find all rationales trying to prove the existence of god lacking. I find that the simplest explanation which makes the most sense to me is that there isn't a god, but if given evidence to the contrary I would be happy to revise my opinion.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (you can't disprove a negative), and in that light, I could no more prove that there isn't a god than one could prove to me that there a god.

And we're certainly not going to have our minds changed on an internet forum!

It's fun to talk about though...


Staff member
Exactly ... I have a lot more respect for an agnostic than an atheist.
I was an agnostic for a few years until I learned to separate "the church and humans" from God.
I was never an atheist because of the reason you stated.

Agnostic for all practical purposes is just another word for atheist. If you don't believe in god you're an atheist, if you do believe in god you're clearly not an agnostic. Most folks who identify themselves as agnostic do so because they don't want to be lumped in with people like Hitchens or Dawkins who have turned their own atheism into a public crusade, or they simply don't want to deal with the negative perceptions that get attached to atheism some of which they might hold themselves.


Nine Lives
Agnostic for all practical purposes is just another word for atheist. If you don't believe in god you're an atheist, if you do believe in god you're clearly not an agnostic. Most folks who identify themselves as agnostic do so because they don't want to be lumped in with people like Hitchens or Dawkins who have turned their own atheism into a public crusade, or they simply don't want to deal with the negative perceptions that get attached to atheism some of which they might hold themselves.

Agnostic means one is not sure whether there is a God or not.
Atheist means one does not believe there is a God.
An Atheist tends to go through Agnosticism on the way to Atheism but some do not make that leap into an absolute state.
We can agree to disagree. :wink2:

The only people I absolutely disagree with are the ones that go out of their way to try and impress and express their views on others.


Staff member
Agnostic means one is not sure whether there is a God or not.
Atheist means one does not believe there is a God.

An Atheist tends to go through Agnosticism on the way to Atheism but some do not make that leap into an absolute state.
We can agree to disagree. :wink2:

The only people I absolutely disagree with are the ones that go out of their way to try and impress and express their views on others.
If you're not sure there is a god, that means you don't believe in one. I do agree that most atheists (at least those who started out as believers) go through a period where they refer to themselves as agnostic but that's a semantic position rather than a philosophical one and generally taken for some of the reasons I listed above.


Well-Known Member
Agnostic means one is not sure whether there is a God or not.
Atheist means one does not believe there is a God.
An Atheist tends to go through Agnosticism on the way to Atheism but some do not make that leap into an absolute state.
We can agree to disagree. :wink2:...

From the video:

"Non-belief either way is often confused with agnosticism, but agnosticism isn't about belief or non-belief, it concerns knowledge.

An agnostic is someone who holds the view that nothing is known or can be known about a proposed phenomenon, in this case a god.

It's perfectly possible to hold this view while believing there is a god, believing there's none, or having no belief either way.

Agnosticism isn't some middle ground between believing X and believing not-X, it's an independent category compatible with belief or non-belief.

Some people, and even certain otherwise respectable dictionaries define atheism as the belief that there is no god with a capital 'G', but this definition cannot be adequate as it would also apply to certain polytheists who believe that there is no supreme god..."



Nine Lives
If you're not sure there is a god, that means you don't believe in one. I do agree that most atheists (at least those who started out as believers) go through a period where they refer to themselves as agnostic but that's a semantic position rather than a philosophical one and generally taken for some of the reasons I listed above.

Or an Atheist has a stronger belief is his/her beliefs.
​As originally implied by bbsam, the wisdom learned from a retrospective analysis of their beliefs, projections, etc. cause an Agnostic to be less sure that their beliefs are absolute.