August Raise


B.C. boohoo buster.
Consider the master agreement and all supplemental passed null and void. The No voter will never pass a suppliant that doesn't restore a the UPS health care benefit at higher benefit levels and higher wages and ice cream cone Fridays and whirlpool tubs in restrooms and.....

Once these rebels fighting a losing cause and mostly from Right To Work For Less States, who mostly don't pay dues, realize that UPS is going to play hard ball after the contract expires + (30 day notice) and they selectively lock out shops and bring in replacement workers they finally GET IT but it will be to late.

For all you non-dues paying Right To Work For Less State cry babies don't look to us to walk the bricks for you. Have a nice day at the unemployment line.


Well-Known Member
Consider the master agreement and all supplemental passed null and void. The No voter will never pass a suppliant that doesn't restore a the UPS health care benefit at higher benefit levels and higher wages and ice cream cone Fridays and whirlpool tubs in restrooms and.....

Once these rebels fighting a losing cause and mostly from Right To Work For Less States, who mostly don't pay dues, realize that UPS is going to play hard ball after the contract expires + (30 day notice) and they selectively lock out shops and bring in replacement workers they finally GET IT but it will be to late.

For all you non-dues paying Right To Work For Less State cry babies don't look to us to walk the bricks for you. Have a nice day at the unemployment line.
You need to read the international bylaws a bit better. Read closely. If you think the supplements will be held hostage, keep reading.


Well-Known Member
You need to read the international bylaws a bit better. Read closely. If you think the supplements will be held hostage, keep reading.

Dear Mr. Stink,

Please inform us as to what you are referring to. I will definitely not read any bylaws and if I did, I doubt I would understand them. You're knowledge of the contract and rules regarding the union have been pretty spot on from what I've seen so far on BC. Although I do not agree with a few things you've said in the past, I still find your words to be valuable and severely under-appreciated. Thank you sir.


Well-Known Member
Dear Mr. Stink,

Please inform us as to what you are referring to. I will definitely not read any bylaws and if I did, I doubt I would understand them. You're knowledge of the contract and rules regarding the union have been pretty spot on from what I've seen so far on BC. Although I do not agree with a few things you've said in the past, I still find your words to be valuable and severely under-appreciated. Thank you sir.

The master agreement will not change. The majority of us teamsters passed it. Any attempts to hold it "hostage" would really be holding the majority of your fellow teamsters hostage.

Many of us may not like it... but this is how the democratic process works. The only negotiable issues now are the supplement and rider issues.


Well-Known Member
Dear Mr. Stink,

Please inform us as to what you are referring to. I will definitely not read any bylaws and if I did, I doubt I would understand them. You're knowledge of the contract and rules regarding the union have been pretty spot on from what I've seen so far on BC. Although I do not agree with a few things you've said in the past, I still find your words to be valuable and severely under-appreciated. Thank you sir.
Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate that. I'm sure a few people on here may disagree with you. But as for the bylaws, it's simple. I'll paste the bylaw then explain.

Article XXI, Section 2
(2) If less than half of the eligible members cast valid ballots, then a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those voting shall be required to reject such final offer and to authorize a strike. The failure of such membership to reject the final offer and to authorize a strike as herein provided shall require the Local Union Executive Board to accept such final offer or such additional provisions as can be negotiated by it.
When the final offer has been rejected in accordance with this Section, it shall constitute authorization for a strike at such time and under such terms and conditions as the Local Union Executive Board may determine.
Any question arising from the application or interpretation of this Section shall be decided by the General President whose decision shall be final.

My summery:
Look at the amount of people that voted, you need 2/3rds of eligible voters to authorize a strike. So 667 out of 1000 need to vote no on the final. If not, the local will have to accept the changes to the contract.

So take local 804 for instance, if they have the exact voter turnout on a revote, 844 YES to 1380 NO, they don't meet the 2/3rds.

Pirate Prentice

New Member
First post :) I am still confused about the raises. I have been with the 2 years currently making $10.50 come august 1, will be compensated for my 2 years plus the additional $.70? Totaling $12.70 i cant seem to get a straight answer out of anyone in my building.


Well-Known Member
All I know is that it's retroactive to August 1st. lol hurry up and negotiate I say

This is exactly what I was thinking. They have people worried about a $.70 cent raise, so they wont worry about the Future...
I predict it will buy more Yes Votes for a few dollars, to Rush this through...

Not saying that is your goal or thoughts, just saying in General....


Well-Known Member
What is this???
<<<lives in Right To Work For Less State<<<Union member<<<pays dues

Exactly... I am in a Right to work State.
We had about 98% of my Local in the Union. It has severely went down in the last few years as has our representation.
I have Paid my Dues almost 19 years now....
Heck I even took the SMALL Strike Check I got years ago, and purchased food for the strike line....

The Union and BA's and Presidents NEED to WAKE up, get Busy.
If the contract is so weak that they can not do anything, then umm changes need made... (excuses we get)


Man of Great Wisdom
We lose money on our raises with it being retroactive!.. Unless of course UPS pays interest on our money they are holding onto, but I doubt that will happen.

Lets hope the remaining holdouts will not hold our paychecks hostage

UPS has agreed to pay interest on the raises. What's the going rate for a short term CD? .0000000015%.

ups clerk

Well-Known Member
We won't receive the raise until the various supplements are worked out and the master contract ratified. For all hours worked after August 1st, we'll receive a retroactive check for all wages to which we are entitled after ratification.
What will really infuriate me is if they include our retroactive raise with a regular pay check, which would mean IRS will take a bigger chunk of our pay for taxes. In other words, I hope it is a separate check, especially if these negotiations drag on for months.


Man of Great Wisdom
What will really infuriate me is if they include our retroactive raise with a regular pay check, which would mean IRS will take a bigger chunk of our pay for taxes. In other words, I hope it is a separate check, especially if these negotiations drag on for months.

All comes out in the wash come tax time.
We lose money on our raises with it being retroactive!.. Unless of course UPS pays interest on our money they are holding onto, but I doubt that will happen.

Lets hope the remaining holdouts will not hold our paychecks hostage
Let them hold out we all make between 80 & a 100 grand a year right?? I wipe my ass with that 70cents.