B.C. boohoo buster.
Consider the master agreement and all supplemental passed null and void. The No voter will never pass a suppliant that doesn't restore a the UPS health care benefit at higher benefit levels and higher wages and ice cream cone Fridays and whirlpool tubs in restrooms and.....
Once these rebels fighting a losing cause and mostly from Right To Work For Less States, who mostly don't pay dues, realize that UPS is going to play hard ball after the contract expires + (30 day notice) and they selectively lock out shops and bring in replacement workers they finally GET IT but it will be to late.
For all you non-dues paying Right To Work For Less State cry babies don't look to us to walk the bricks for you. Have a nice day at the unemployment line.
Once these rebels fighting a losing cause and mostly from Right To Work For Less States, who mostly don't pay dues, realize that UPS is going to play hard ball after the contract expires + (30 day notice) and they selectively lock out shops and bring in replacement workers they finally GET IT but it will be to late.
For all you non-dues paying Right To Work For Less State cry babies don't look to us to walk the bricks for you. Have a nice day at the unemployment line.