It just makes me mad to know I do my job, and do it right but then stuff like this happens and there is literally nothing I can do about it. IF ups ends up paying then my center manager said it will come back to me and I will be charged with an accident and worst case scenario I could be terminated for not reporting an accident. I NEVER HIT THE DOG SO HOW CAN UPS FIRE ME FOR SOMETHING I DIDN'T DO!?!? He said I would get my job back no problem, but still the fact that it could happen when I did nothing wrong is retarded. I wish the higher up's would defend us drivers more! My supervisor and center manager are on my side and are being really great with the situation, but I know they have to work as directed just like we do. So if the district manager or whoever says to charge me with anything then they have to do it.
If I do get charged with an accident or worse, terminated, then I will be suing the

out of the people (not ups) because they are making up bull

stories and it effects my career!