Ben Carson


Well-Known Member
Yea next thing you know they'll be saying he was born in Kenya and demanding a birth certificate.;)

his birth they should investigate its a constitutional mandate that he be born in this country.

one reason to elect a republican president is to get Obama's college records and others unsealed. That can finally resolve the whole issue.
I imagine at the least we will find Obama claiming to be foreign born to take advantage of relaxed admission standards.


Staff member
his birth they should investigate its a constitutional mandate that he be born in this country.

one reason to elect a republican president is to get Obama's college records and others unsealed. That can finally resolve the whole issue.
I imagine at the least we will find Obama claiming to be foreign born to take advantage of relaxed admission standards.
Woot, we got another birther on the boards :w00t:


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Yea next thing you know they'll be saying he was born in Kenya and demanding a birth certificate.;)
Or a REAL birth ceriticate.

Not a computer generated forgery.

I'd settle for that, but won't get it.

Like Eastwood said, "Soon America will learn that that Obama is the biggest hoax ever pulled on the American public."

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Or a REAL birth ceriticate.

Not a computer generated forgery.

I'd settle for that, but won't get it.

Like Eastwood said, "Soon America will learn that that Obama is the biggest hoax ever pulled on the American public."


Yeah, you accept "truth" from a jackass talking to an empty chair...

You and newfie are just bricks, just plain bricks.



Staff member
Or a REAL birth ceriticate.

Not a computer generated forgery.

I'd settle for that, but won't get it.

Like Eastwood said, "Soon America will learn that that Obama is the biggest hoax ever pulled on the American public."
I remember you had those youtube videos that showed how his certificate was faked. Good stuff.


Bad Moon Risen'
his birth they should investigate its a constitutional mandate that he be born in this country.

one reason to elect a republican president is to get Obama's college records and others unsealed. That can finally resolve the whole issue.
I imagine at the least we will find Obama claiming to be foreign born to take advantage of relaxed admission standards.
Wish that this was true. Then we wouldn't have to deal with Ted Cruz. He admits he was born in Calgary, Canada.


Well-Known Member
Wish that this was true. Then we wouldn't have to deal with Ted Cruz. He admits he was born in Calgary, Canada.

then I shall rephrase, there are constitutional requirements of birth that should be fully validated.
I am a birther in the sense that all candidates for the presidents position should be validated including conservatives.
Ted's mother was an American citizen, if he were not eligible then every child born to citizens working abroad would not be eligible.
that would include military serving overseas.


Well-Known Member
How was grain stored in ancient Egypt? From "Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology" Cambridge University Press.

See pages 527 & 528 on Grain Storage.

Also researching the various Egyptian grain gods, their temples and even cities built to honor them offers a clue to the importance of grain to ancient Egyptian culture. The Egyptian god Osiris even had a sacred meal dedicated to his worship made of bread and a barley beer. This sacred meal was a forerunner of the Christian Last Supper or what is called communion and also not unlike the meal dedicated to the greek wine god Dionysus which again was a forerunner to the Christian example.

There were many others such as the Persian Mithra that would become the Roman god Mithras which was a contemporary rival to Christianity during the first few centuries CE in Roman provinces. Constantine seemed to have decided the victor but serious question remain if the Christianity we have is a melting pot of beliefs shaped into a dying/rising demigod used more for the purpose of political power than a betterment of mankind.