Im antivax since waaaaaaaayyyy before it was cool. Anti medicine really. This whole thing isnt even about medicine, or science, or whatever these commies wanna pretend it is. Its about control.
DITTO!! Unless it's extremely necessary I don't take anything. And to be honest I could not tell you when I ever had something extreme I can recall.
Heck, I've had the typical issues at work with a really bad twisted ankle or bad back many years ago. Sent to doctor and they prescribe meds. I look at vial and see how many are in there and write it down so I know how to fake countdown to empty bottle and proceed to toss all the pills in the trash. And when the prescription ends and they ask how I'm feeling I let them know.
If I needed more time and they give more I repeated same thing and dump in trash.
In my mind time and rest heal, not a bunch of bull

As for flu shots and all that crap......SAVE IT!! Never once got a "flu shot" and am rarely if ever sick year to year. Why anyone would go get some ridiculous flu shot is baffling to me. You get sick with flu it's part of life, and you let your body do it's job and fight it off. And just like the Covid shot, flu shot is hardly proven as many people still get sick even and getting it.