Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.


Inordinately Right
Hey @DriveInDriveOut can you post the "literally Hitler" meme for me please.
You'll take what I give you and you'll like it.



Well-Known Member
Think about if UPS makes people take the shot how many people will take off 1 to 4 weeks company pay at one time. LoL because remember in that order if you get sick the company has to still pay you your hourly rate. LoL so 100 people take it at the job and they all are out for a month or two company paid lol.
Shows how uninformed you are if you think the president has power to over rise the legislation system. He cannot force anything the shutdowns were against our constitution rights and so is this. We are not a dictatorial country it is a constitutional Republic. Nuremberg Code, religious rights, human rights, medical exemption s and the fact that if companies force a shot they are 100% liable for any complications. Grievances need to be filed over the ppl with the “jab” for they carry and spread the disease proven fact. My Heath is a t risk because of them. The workers of the country will stand up to this America is dead. The left hate the right and the right don’t want to deal with the left. It’s in our children. It’ll never be fixed america is dead.


Well-Known Member
Yup. Any company with over 100 employees, or a 14k fine per individual. Guess a lot of you better start looking for a new job.
I’m a 22.3 union member based out of Long Island New York and I have not gotten any official word from management or the union about the vaccine mandate yet. Maybe it’s just a matter of time ?


Nazi Joe said something? Politicians are employees of citizens. When I want to get a vaccine, I’ll let my little nazi employee know. Until then, he can keep asking.


Well-Known Member
What happens if you’ve already had Covid? Are you still supposed to get a shot even though doctors are recommending against that? What about people who can’t get the shot for medical reasons?
Yes yes and yes again. Did I mention yes. Oh one more thing yes. Don't forget to pack your yes. Two servings of yes for you. P.S. Yes!


Well-Known Member
Im antivax since waaaaaaaayyyy before it was cool. Anti medicine really. This whole thing isnt even about medicine, or science, or whatever these commies wanna pretend it is. Its about control.
DITTO!! Unless it's extremely necessary I don't take anything. And to be honest I could not tell you when I ever had something extreme I can recall.
Heck, I've had the typical issues at work with a really bad twisted ankle or bad back many years ago. Sent to doctor and they prescribe meds. I look at vial and see how many are in there and write it down so I know how to fake countdown to empty bottle and proceed to toss all the pills in the trash. And when the prescription ends and they ask how I'm feeling I let them know.
If I needed more time and they give more I repeated same thing and dump in trash.

In my mind time and rest heal, not a bunch of bull:censored2: pills.

As for flu shots and all that crap......SAVE IT!! Never once got a "flu shot" and am rarely if ever sick year to year. Why anyone would go get some ridiculous flu shot is baffling to me. You get sick with flu it's part of life, and you let your body do it's job and fight it off. And just like the Covid shot, flu shot is hardly proven as many people still get sick even and getting it.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
For all of you BrownCafe legal eagle's that thought you could hide under OSHA's skirt... Oops! You WILL be tested or vaccinated.



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The Due Care Clause from OSHA covers this mandate.
Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace.

This will withstand legal challenges.

Not a single one of you will quit your job over this.

I guarantee that.

Hold on there Perry Mason, it’s unconstitutional so it will not stand up to a legal challenge. It’s smoke and mirrors from a failing administration to distract from they’re disastrous policies.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Some top rate guys that have been here their entire adult life are going to be in for a surprise when they see their earning prospects in the non unionized world..

No they won't. Wifey will have these brave Americans taking their weekly test in a heartbeat!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Not gonna pass with the courts

  • Calling on large entertainment venues such as sports arenas, large concert halls, and other venues where large groups of people gather to require that their patrons be vaccinated or show a negative test for entry.