Well-Known Member
Why do conservatives call the people who want to kill them nazis? Stop playing by the lefts rules and using their bad guys. Nazis have never done anything to you. They’re more related to Bolshiveks and French Revolutionists, or even puritanical calvinists. Seriously, if the men who fought in the Second World War would have seen the future ahead for western civ, they would have laid their weapons down.
Nazi is gutter slang for national socialism. Hitler and his gang were all socialists. Socialism always decays into communism. Everything going on in this country is following in the foot steps of Hitler and his reich and it’s been going on incrementally for many decades. Hitler also called for a New World Order. Him and his crew belonged to the socialist order known as the Thule Society which is the German branch of the old Knights Templars that called for an aryan race as according the teachings of Blavatsky. That’s what all the genocide was about. This is where the concept of Zionism comes from. These are the same Templars that disappeared in history after being rounded up for heresy by the Roman Catholic Church and later re-emerged as Freemasons and other names. Hitler was put in power and taken out of power by the very same people who ran this country behind the scenes at that time. People are not afraid to call a spade a spade. Fascism, socialism, communism, Nazi…. All leftist freedom hating trash.