Good chance of dropping dead if you don't go and get vaccinated. What are you afraid of?
Oh so dying of covid is now a "good chance"? I wouldn't put .05% as a "good chance".
I've had covid just recently actually, and my whole family got it. My hay fever was worse. My kids didn't even get any symptoms, and my wife had a very slight fever for 2 days and a scratchy throat.
Your kind propagate fear and misinformation, but even worse is you don't even live in reality, follow any science, or common sense.
There are verifiable facts all around you, but you just are too stupid or brainwashed to follow any of them.
You are the definition of a sheep, the kind that are trained by the most basic form of propaganda, the pavlovian simpleton who just need to hear the bell to come curling up at his master's feet.
Your kind would have been ones of the first to pick up the Puritan pitch fork and murder someone because the local governor declared them a witch.
You would have been the aspiring Nazi eager to show his command how efficient he could be at gassing the plague rats.