Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.


Well-Known Member
Homily today from my priest was that we should all be ready to be made second class citizens, and that the persecutions of the early church will likely visit us in this lifetime. Peter went joyful to his death. Paul went joyful to his death. Hope in Christ. Hold that line. All the suffering we do in this life is for our benefit in the life to come. Happy Sunday!


Bad Moon Risen'
Even if there wasn’t mass resistance against this tyranny, I’d be just as happy standing alone. Truth doesn’t have a consensus. What was true for our people before is true for us now. God is truth and God doesn’t change. Ever. Morality has never changed. Happy to stand in truth.
God is fake. Guess if you believe the religious bull:censored2: you'll believe anything.


Well-Known Member
Wow would that be interesting.
I think the coordinated response is, mandate it, force lots of people to get it who aren't holding fast truly in their beliefs and will take the jab to feed their children (not judging anyone for doing that) and then the remaining percentage will just be granted their religious exemptions and then they up the premiums on you or test you every week.


Well-Known Member
Which begs the question, what exactly constitutes false information?

Dr. Brett Weinstein and former NYT journalist Alex Berensen have often sourced the Israeli study and have had their YouTube accounts demonetized in the case of the former, and their Twitter account banned in the case of the latter. All of which happened after Joe Biden said social media was "killing people."

We need to be able to objectively look at the data that's coming out without labelling it "misinformation" if it happens to fly in the face of the narrative.

All I ask from people like MyTripisCut and others, especially if you ever entertain giving these shots to your children, is to look at that data and put your bias aside. Ask yourself why these things have been censored or taken down. Go look for the censored things and really look into what specifically is misinformation. If a doctor is cited go look up that doctor and look at the data they present.

Look at these videos taken down and ask why they were taken down. Confirm the "misinformation". You owe it to yourself and your loved ones. You need to be able to do that on your own if you really are going to believe so hard in these vaccines.

The reality is that countless things are being shut down, cancelled,and censored. You need to be able to be intelligent enough to ask why. Nothing less should be accepted if you are to have any opinion on this matter.

And just to add: this sounds harsh but I think you are simply a bad parent if you without question inject your child with these vaccines. If you can't give your child the time to look into the facts and why things were censored and you just blindly follow the mass media knowing all the while that things are being suppressed and they even tell you that because it's "misinformation", well I just can't fathom it as a parent.
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Well-Known Member
How long before the booster shot reinforces the immune system Doctor Delivery Driver?
Lol. Booster shots do not reinforce the immune system. Your immune system is built based off exposure to real viruses in the real world, having a healthy gut microbiome (diet), and exercise.

Synthetic chemicals forced into the body to create an inflammation response is bad for your body and does nothing but actually break down your immune system.

By the way you can look it up but I believe that the latest stats in Maryland are that 40% of the COVID deaths in the last 14 days were fully vaccinated.

The sad truth? This virus with a 99% survival rate would be almost inconsequential and be about 100% if more people took care of their immune systems. Most virus symptoms are a result of immune system capabilities. The media should have used this as an opportunity to educate people and push people to lose weight, get sleep, hydrate, and eat well. But there is no money in that.

And that friends, is how the herd is thinned.
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Inordinately Right
God is fake. Guess if you believe the religious bull:censored2: you'll believe anything.