I am not looking to answer all of these questions. Here’s what I think;
-The (safe) vaccine WAS rushed to the public; however, look at it from the proper scope and you will understand how that happened: EVERY single person who had a hand in the research and development of that vaccine saw DOLLAR SIGNS. ALL the best minds in the world focused on one singular task. It’s great that you acknowledge the mostly financially driven corrupt interests of the world; but you need to keep your feet on the ground; producing a harmful vaccine that’s ineffective is not a lucrative business.
Period!!!! In order for them to make money, IT HAS TO WORK BRUH
-The conservatives; fresh off the defeat in November, increasingly politicized the virus to use as a tool.
The sources you are getting your information cling to;
Fauci; a freaking useless corporate shill. He’s the chosen face, nothing more nothing less. He gets to take the blame. He’s there literally to take the brunt of this backlash. Like; you seriously care about this guy “switching to one mask?” This is what you got for evidence?
-the virus is real. It’s killing people. Yes, young, healthy human beings have a High survival rate. No; sick people can’t go to work. No; businesses can’t operate with a bunch of sick employees out for 2 weeks. No; businesses can’t operate when they get sued for sending non vaccinated spreaders with no masks on out to plumb your toilets. It’s ABOUT THE MONEY, man!!! Just like everything else. Welcome to modern day society. This is what it is. There is no libertarian utopia coming to save your precious spoiled rights.
Regardless of whatever else happens, these few, direct FACTS should be ALL THAT MATTERS!!! People are dying; you can do something to help it, stay home if you wanna be a little baby about taking precautions for other people’s health.
Stay home.
Or better yet, if you don’t want to be reasonable, then fly down to Australia and take that place over; you’ll love all the socialist policy
Letting a group of bad actors brainwash the idiots among us into fearing a flu virus and destroying the country.
The real story is how many people were so horribly unhealthy that a flu virus managed to kill them. Although we have known that our obesity/diabetic rate is insanely high for years now. We are seeing the first of the many negative consequences to that.
But the main thing is this, no masks or vaccines are neccessary. Asymptomatic spread is not real. For a virus to replicate it needs to infect and repurpose your cells to produce more virus instead of its normal function, like carry oxygen.
If you have enough infected cells to shed enough virus to infect someone else, you are definitely showing symptoms. So if you feel fine, you dont need a mask.
If you are sick, stay home. No mask required.
The vaccine doesnt prevent infection or spread so its basically worthless and is not worth discussing any more. Id feel sorry for the people who got duped into taking it, but I and many others warned them, and they mocked us for it. Oh well, we tried.
So no masks or vaccine required, though I hate calling a worthless cocktail of junk that kills 5 people for every life it purportedly saves a vaccine.