Just A UPS Guy
They don’t have the resources/would not spend the resources on going around making sure anybody who’s not vaxed has the antibodies.
Do you have the vax or not? Check box.
Large breakthrough occurs; all they say is “all our employees are vaxed” and move on.
If half the building is unvaxed? That outbreak looks pretty crappy on the company, now doesn’t it?
Liability 101
But there is no liability, that's the point. Me being vaxed or not doesn't affect the vulnerability of anyone else. It's just image and posturing and that's not good enough for me. If it comes to it, and they'd rather test me every week than do a one-time test for antibodies, eff 'em, I'll take the test every week.
See? A rational discussion, even through your condescension.
Have a good day, it's bedtime.