Lifestyle choices have everything to do with your savings and retirement. Making excuses as to why you can't do it doesn't help anyone's situation, although it is easier than actually having to do something. Just to let you know I am single, but I live in a house that is in my name, with a mortgage I qualified for when I was still part-time. It was a fixxer upper of sorts, but when I have it re-appraised this summer I'm anticipating it worth over 100k although I did not pay that much for it. Nobody gave me a dime toward anything I've done with this house nor has anybody co-signed for me to get financed for it. I drive a car I paid $800 for and I have very little credit card debt. I have been steadily increasing my 401k contributions since I went fulltime, and 10% of my income is already going into personal savings. Its not rocket science, just common sense. When retirement nears I won't be fretting over it like the complainers on this site will.