Bill O'Reilly becoming a Non-Factor


Well-Known Member
So in your fantasy world most women are perfectly ok with being hit on and sexually harassed at work if it means they get to keep their jobs, and O'Reilly only got in trouble because of a few old stick-in-the-muds? You are literally the problem.
No, that's your spin on it. I'm saying it happens, but it shouldn't.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
No matter who an employee is, if something is happening to them that's illegal they should speak out and seek redress. If they put up with something because the money's damn good then they are essentially getting paid to put up with it. And things won't change as long as they do. In essence they're holding on until they have a very large bank account then revolting. If it doesn't work out then they have plenty of money. What good does that do the average secretary who'll never have the large bank account to fall back on? And what about the women who go along in exchange for better pay and better conditions? Surely these aren't the only women Bill O'Reilly approached. Plenty of women are fine with such arrangements and guys like Bill get in trouble because when one does say no their egos can't handle it. They want to use their power to punish that woman and thus the multi-million payouts. Are you saying that men and women should not get involved physically outside of a committed relationship to avoid such costly financial and emotional entanglements? Amen brother!!!! If only people would...
This is what conservatism is. If you pine for "traditional values", that's what these are.


Staff member
No, that's your spin on it. I'm saying it happens, but it shouldn't.
No, that's actually what you said:
"Plenty of women are fine with such arrangements"
I like how you refer to sexual harassment of female employees by their boss as an "arrangement", like that's what they signed up for.


golden ticket member
Good point. How dare these women try to remain employed. We should shame them and call them idiots. That'll fix the misogynistic culture at Fox.
My point is....why don't they come forward when the actions take place? Why wait around suffering in silence waiting for the big payday? Bogus!


Well-Known Member
So you're upset some cities won't do the federal government's job for them.
If a policeman catches a criminal alien, puts him in jail, and ICE is neither notified nor given said criminal, and said criminal is released because of that city declaring itself a sanctuary city, and said criminal goes on to do something really horrendous, are you ok with that? Even if that's a one off it's one too many. But it's happened many, many times. If you're ok with that what more is there to say?


Well-Known Member
No, that's actually what you said:
"Plenty of women are fine with such arrangements"
I like how you refer to sexual harassment of female employees by their boss as an "arrangement", like that's what they signed up for.
And plenty are, but that's not what I was saying should happen, only that it does. Which you would clearly see if you weren't cherry picking my statement.


Well-Known Member
!st rule of misogyny: Women are responsible for what men do.
There's an old saying: it takes two to tango. Please don't talk about women's rights if women won't stand up for themselves. Some do, and they end up getting screwed out of a job, but they showed some backbone and did the right thing.
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Well-Known Member
No, that's actually what you said:
"Plenty of women are fine with such arrangements"
I like how you refer to sexual harassment of female employees by their boss as an "arrangement", like that's what they signed up for.
And you are assuming that all women involved in affairs with their boss are caught in some terrible trap by, of course, an evil white man. I've met plenty of lusty women over the years who were caught up in the excitement of an affair. Why is it that liberals always see some groups as not being able to take care of themselves? Must be defended by the all knowing libs who know what's best for everyone.


Staff member
And you are assuming that all women involved in affairs with their boss are caught in some terrible trap by, of course, an evil white man. I've met plenty of lusty women over the years who were caught up in the excitement of an affair. Why is it that liberals always see some groups as not being able to take care of themselves? Must be defended by the all knowing libs who know what's best for everyone.
So when O'Reilly sexually harassed these women you equate that with "having an affair"? That's an interesting take on it, I honestly haven't heard that one before.


Staff member
You have some interesting views van. According to you when a women dares to enter the workforce, sexual harassment is just part of the "arrangement". And when the boss does choose to sexually harass a female employee this is called "having an affair".
I really like this gem:
There's an old saying: it takes two to tango. Please don't talk about women's rights if women won't stand up for themselves. Some do, and they end up getting screwed out of a job, but they showed some backbone and did the right thing.
So when women stand up for themselves and lose their jobs they can take solace in "doing the right thing" even though they no longer have a job. Bravo van! Wow, that sounds like such a great deal! Who needs that job anyway right?
Of course the biggest problem here, according to you, is the "liberals":
Why is it that liberals always see some groups as not being able to take care of themselves? Must be defended by the all knowing libs who know what's best for everyone
Sure van, if we could just get rid of anyone who actually wants to stand up for the women who are faced with the choice of either accepting sexual harassment or losing their jobs things would be so much better...for your hero O'Reilly.


Well-Known Member
You have some interesting views van. According to you when a women dares to enter the workforce, sexual harassment is just part of the "arrangement". And when the boss does choose to sexually harass a female employee this is called "having an affair".
I really like this gem:

So when women stand up for themselves and lose their jobs they can take solace in "doing the right thing" even though they no longer have a job. Bravo van! Wow, that sounds like such a great deal! Who needs that job anyway right?
Of course the biggest problem here, according to you, is the "liberals":

Sure van, if we could just get rid of anyone who actually wants to stand up for the women who are faced with the choice of either accepting sexual harassment or losing their jobs things would be so much better...for your hero O'Reilly.
Are you sure you don't want to be a lawyer? You love to twist words. You want to make a blanket pronouncement about all situations while knowing real life doesn't work like that, it's messy. I in no way am defending O'Reilly's actions. If you have read the thread you know that but choose to take things out of context to attack me, thinking others won't know the difference. Typical stuff they do on MSNBC all the time. You should apply there. It's never all one sided though, these aren't sweet little girl scouts. They played the game until it didn't work out like they wanted and then started yelling unfair. Not talking about whether it's fair or not, just saying that's what happened. Some of them may have rebuffed him from the start and he paid a price for it. But as I said before, if they played along as highly paid FOX personalities, and built up their bank accounts, then cried foul when they didn't get what they wanted, they did no favors to average working women who don't get paid well and put up with their boss's advances out of fear of losing their jobs. As far as the whole men/women thing goes, in many countries if a man tries to force himself on a woman he will face retribution from her male relatives. We've gotten ridiculous with charging any form of violence as a criminal offence. If men could protect their women relatives a lot of this would go away. You can cherry pick that if you like.


Well-Known Member
You mean convicted of a crime right?
I mean charged with a crime. The sanctuary city should turn them over to ICE to be dealt with on a federal level as they shouldn't be here to begin with. And I'm not talking about grabbing some poor day laborer off the street and putting the blame on him. And not talking about otherwise law abiding, hard working illegals either. Crossing the border is a civil offense, not a criminal one. But if a car is weaving all over the road and the driver is both illegal and intoxicated, he should be deported. If he's arrested while committing a felony he should have his day in court, do his time, and be deported. Any problem with having murderers, robbers, burglars, rapists, child molesters, etc being completely removed from our society? And I feel the same way about illegal Europeans as I do illegal Latinos or whoever.