Inordinately Right
You say deport them when they're charged, then say they should have a trial. Which is it?I mean charged with a crime. The sanctuary city should turn them over to ICE to be dealt with on a federal level as they shouldn't be here to begin with. And I'm not talking about grabbing some poor day laborer off the street and putting the blame on him. And not talking about otherwise law abiding, hard working illegals either. Crossing the border is a civil offense, not a criminal one. But if a car is weaving all over the road and the driver is both illegal and intoxicated, he should be deported. If he's arrested while committing a felony he should have his day in court, do his time, and be deported. Any problem with having murderers, robbers, burglars, rapists, child molesters, etc being completely removed from our society? And I feel the same way about illegal Europeans as I do illegal Latinos or whoever.
And by the way, Bill oreilly is still a POS.