Bill O'Reilly becoming a Non-Factor


Inordinately Right
I mean charged with a crime. The sanctuary city should turn them over to ICE to be dealt with on a federal level as they shouldn't be here to begin with. And I'm not talking about grabbing some poor day laborer off the street and putting the blame on him. And not talking about otherwise law abiding, hard working illegals either. Crossing the border is a civil offense, not a criminal one. But if a car is weaving all over the road and the driver is both illegal and intoxicated, he should be deported. If he's arrested while committing a felony he should have his day in court, do his time, and be deported. Any problem with having murderers, robbers, burglars, rapists, child molesters, etc being completely removed from our society? And I feel the same way about illegal Europeans as I do illegal Latinos or whoever.
You say deport them when they're charged, then say they should have a trial. Which is it?

And by the way, Bill oreilly is still a POS.


Well-Known Member
You say de port them when they're charged, then say they should have a trial. Which is it?
They can go through the system at the Federal level. But a drunk driver is going to be treated differently than a murderer. He may have committed a crime driving intoxicated, but the gov't may choose to just send him back to where he's from. He gets treated different in that respect than a citizen because he's not supposed to be here and it saves us money not to adjudicate him. He made the choice to drive drunk.


Inordinately Right
They can go through the system at the Federal level. But a drunk driver is going to be treated differently than a murderer. He may have committed a crime driving intoxicated, but the gov't may choose to just send him back to where he's from. He gets treated different in that respect than a citizen because he's not supposed to be here and it saves us money not to adjudicate him. He made the choice to drive drunk.
And if that alleged drunk driver is found not guilty?


Well-Known Member
And if that alleged drunk driver is found not guilty?
As I said, most likely an illegal alien arrested for drunk driving, and I'm assuming they tested him, would be deported without a trial. Except sanctuary cities are protecting guys like him from the Fed's. Which sometimes leads to deaths that could've been prevented. Are you wanting to prevent accidents as much as possible?


Inordinately Right
As I said, most likely an illegal alien arrested for drunk driving, and I'm assuming they tested him, would be deported without a trial. Except sanctuary cities are protecting guys like him from the Fed's. Which sometimes leads to deaths that could've been prevented. Are you wanting to prevent accidents as much as possible?
No, I'm not interested in preventing accidents as much as possible.

The bottom line is you want them all deported. You try to make the argument against criminals because it's an easy one to make, but when you get into the details you suggest deporting them whether they're found guilty or not.


Well-Known Member
That's funny, it didn't surprise me when you came on here to defend Bill Oreilly who is a dirt bag who sexually harasses women.
I said what he did was wrong. If you are going to discard every human being who does wrong things you are going to be pretty lonely. Doesn't mean however that people shouldn't pay for their misdeeds. An internationally known commentator who made millions annually lost his lofty perch and will have to live with that stigma. An illegal alien who otherwise wasn't a bad fellow made a decision after getting intoxicated to drive. And now instead of sending money home he has to go home. There are consequences for poor choices in life. I've made my share and am still paying for it. If anything goes with no consequences then guys like O'Reilly who you despise walk away unscathed.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm not interested in preventing accidents as much as possible.

The bottom line is you want them all deported. You try to make the argument against criminals because it's an easy one to make, but when you get into the details you suggest deporting them whether they're found guilty or not.
No I don't. I respect those who risk much and break their backs to give their kids a chance at a better life. It does put a heavy burden on our social services though so I think closing down the border at this point is a good thing. But the only ones here who I want deported are those committing criminal acts. Anyone here illegally who refuses to behave decently should get a ticket home.


Inordinately Right
But the only ones here who I want deported are those committing criminal acts. Anyone here illegally who refuses to behave decently should get a ticket home.
Except you don't think they deserve a trial to determine if they actually commited a crime. And if they do get a trial and are found not guilty, they should be deported anyway.

And bill oreilly is still a D* bag.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Nope, but if women's rights activists talk of empowering women, then women should stand up for themselves every time, not try to work the system.
Trying to keep a job one depends on is not "working the system." Your blame of the women involved with your blessed Bill Oriely is revolting. He had to pay out to half a dozen women that he harassed. He is a serial sexual predator. We have no idea how many he harassed that didn't come forward. Fox as an organization has made it clear they were siding with the predator for the last 20 years. That puts a damper on women standing up for themselves. Fox extended his contract even after the Times report. They are a vile organization that supports sexual harassers.


Well-Known Member
Good point. How dare these women try to remain employed. We should shame them and call them idiots. That'll fix the misogynistic culture at Fox.

hope not , if you want to see an attractive and talented woman on TV your chances are much better on Fox :)
we're not talking about women performing manual labor to put food on their kids tables. These women make a lot more money and have a lot of options if they don't like the environment at fox.


Well-Known Member
So in your fantasy world most women are perfectly ok with being hit on and sexually harassed at work if it means they get to keep their jobs, and O'Reilly only got in trouble because of a few old stick-in-the-muds? You are literally the problem.

I didn't get that from what he said. Women have many options in todays world to address these types of issues. if they don't address the problem then they are the problem not the person that points this out on a message board.


Well-Known Member
Trying to keep a job one depends on is not "working the system." Your blame of the women involved with your blessed Bill Oriely is revolting. He had to pay out to half a dozen women that he harassed. He is a serial sexual predator. We have no idea how many he harassed that didn't come forward. Fox as an organization has made it clear they were siding with the predator for the last 20 years. That puts a damper on women standing up for themselves. Fox extended his contract even after the Times report. They are a vile organization that supports sexual harassers.

Did someone say Bill Clinton? Oh the outrage when its the other side of the political fence.


Well-Known Member
Trying to keep a job one depends on is not "working the system." Your blame of the women involved with your blessed Bill Oriely is revolting. He had to pay out to half a dozen women that he harassed. He is a serial sexual predator. We have no idea how many he harassed that didn't come forward. Fox as an organization has made it clear they were siding with the predator for the last 20 years. That puts a damper on women standing up for themselves. Fox extended his contract even after the Times report. They are a vile organization that supports sexual harassers.
MSNBC, CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, NY Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Democrat National Committee are all vile organizations that supported a predator in the White House, and his spouse who helped to cover it up. Of those women, and we have no idea how many more there were, only one, Paula Jones, got compensated anywhere close to the victims at FOX News. And don't give me the "job one depends on" business. These were highly compensated women who went after O'Reilly when things didn't go their way. One was verbally abused, not sexually. And there were 5. And I said repeatedly what he did was wrong. Doesn't matter to you, just an opportunity to attack.


Well-Known Member
Except you don't think they deserve a trial to determine if they actually commited a crime. And if they do get a trial and are found not guilty, they should be deported anyway.

And bill oreilly is still a D* bag.
Never said that, but if one is in the country illegally, and commits an illegal act that he's apprehended for, and the state determines that the appropriate solution is deportation, then what's your beef? Are you of the opinion that everyone who enters the country illegally and is apprehended near the border with no proof of residency should get a trial? Everyone who arrives by plane who overstayed their visa should get a trial? That a country has no right to defend it's borders and determine who gets in and who doesn't?


nowhere special
Fox is conservative but never liked Trump. They support RINO's and NeverTrumpers. There has been a noticeable shift to the left since Rupert Murdoch's son took over. They are becoming much more like all of the other media sources. I was never a fan of O'Reilly but the situation was very poorly handled.