BLM means WHAT ????


Well-Known Member
Well, in all fairness, a black man gunning down another black man, in broad daylight, isnt news. Right @rickyb?
only if they talk about a culture of violence problem and america being awash in guns. if they leave out the context and just report it as a murder then its pure sensationalism.

El Correcto

god is dead
what was it in america they used to be counted legally as only 2/5 a person.
Three out of every five slaves were counted towards the states population. Counting slaves as citizens gave more power to slave holding states, more electoral college votes, more representation in Congress.

El Correcto

god is dead

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American


Strength through joy
Edging closer to (un)Civil War minute by minute.

Looking forward to the day that mob violence is met by sniper fire.
Always start in the back of the mob, each thug that gets hit removes at least two more from the mob ( carrying the wounded away ), so it will be shots only to wound ( they scream the loudest ) and work your way towards the front. Always nice to have a couple of friends handy to cover the side streets to contain the mob to one kill zone.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I’m not in a rush, of an angry crowd tries to chase me down or rip me from my car. I’m going down shooting no matter what and I’m not half bad with a handgun.
Good thing you live in America and that’s not at all likely to happen. At least you still have your fantasy.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Good thing you live in America and that’s not at all likely to happen.

Yep. Just gotta avoid driving in or near the downtown areas of hard leftist cities at night. If you're lost and start seeing boarded up or smashed windows you'd better get turned around quickly or you could end up in the middle of a Little Mogadishu, whose inhabitants are eager to inflict a little street justice so they can feel like they're doing their part.

Do that and there is indeed nearly 0 chance you'll be dragged out of your car and beaten up by an angry mob.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yep. Just gotta avoid driving in or near the downtown areas of hard leftist cities at night. If you're lost and start seeing boarded up or smashed windows you'd better get turned around quickly or you could end up in the middle of a Little Mogadishu, whose inhabitants are eager to inflict a little street justice so they can feel like they're doing their part.

Do that and there is indeed nearly 0 chance you'll be dragged out of your car and beaten up by an angry mob.
Advice for America.
Whoda thunk it?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
This is what a real, legitimate protest looks like, hard lefties. If you guys peacefully filled the streets I'd be out there with you when I could. The estimated population of Belarus in 2020 is 9,408,400. So 200,000 people showing up (2.126% of the population) would be like 7,037,116 people hitting the streets to support the protests here.

"Thousands of protesters gathered in Minsk, Belarus, on Monday (Aug 17) opposing President Alexander Lukashenko.

Numbers swelled to more than 200,000 across the country in the largest ever demonstrations against the leader, following his disputed re-election.

Crowds chanted 'leave, leave' as the called for Europe's longest-serving leader Lukashenko to resign from office.

Many waved white and red flags, which have become the opposition symbol amid anger over alleged poll-rigging in the elections on August 9."
