Build That Wall!!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I’m always amazed at how decent a lot of right wingers are in person. We usually find each other interesting and personable often finding a lot of common ground on family, work, sports, and sometimes a general disgust with politics and politicians.
Amazed at how decent a lot of right wingers are? lol .. You hear how that sounds?
Basic civility is what you're talking about with your list of common ground subjects. These shared things are non issues.
When it comes to the inability of how to disagree and resolve the uncommon ground, the left wins hands down. Let the crying and screaming begin. Reason is out the door.


Inordinately Right
Let the crying and screaming begin. Reason is out the door.
tenor (98).gif


Staff member
Amazed at how decent a lot of right wingers are? lol .. You hear how that sounds?
Basic civility is what you're talking about with your list of common ground subjects. These shared things are non issues.
When it comes to the inability of how to disagree and resolve the uncommon ground, the left wins hands down. Let the crying and screaming begin. Reason is out the door.
You can’t talk about reason being out the door in terms of the left and remain committed to president Trump.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
That’s true. I’m always amazed at how decent a lot of right wingers are in person. We usually find each other interesting and personable often finding a lot of common ground on family, work, sports, and sometimes a general disgust with politics and politicians. And I’m not talking about one or two exceptions.

I’d even go out on a limb and say that if I met @moreluck in person, we’d probably like each other.

Probably not @Old Man Jingles though. He’s Da Man.
No, you da Man!


golden ticket member
Pulled it out of a tractor-trailer, eh? Maybe the Democrats were right about wanting to focus on screening and security at ports of entry rather than additional wall?
A wall for vehicles is OK...this was a truck loaded with cucumbers.
Sending it to San Fran is another ploy!!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Where are the Fentanyl smelling dogs at the checkpoints?

Once the walls go up more of this will be pushed through ports of entry/ checkpoints. They need more agents, dogs, and technology, to keep that :censored2: out.


Well-Known Member
Pulled it out of a tractor-trailer, eh? Maybe the Democrats were right about wanting to focus on screening and security at ports of entry rather than additional wall?

Customs police say walls allow them to concentrate their efforts at those ports. Otherwise their wasting resouces chasing people who freely cross open borders