Well-Known Member
Where are the Fentanyl smelling dogs at the checkpoints?
Once the walls go up more of this will be pushed through ports of entry/ checkpoints. They need more agents, dogs, and technology, to keep thatout.
Sort of makes the point, doesn’t it?
Sure, add some physical barriers where it’s appropriate, but mostly the money, if there’s money, should be applied to a host of other scenarios including tightening up ports of entry, yahdayahda...
There’s already a surplus of designated funds to hire more Border Patrol agents, going back to the Obama administration, but no one wants the job.
It’s like $25K a year...seriously?
The qualifications needed are on par for a preloader job at UPS, but it’s in the middle of bumfckistan on the border, and no one wants the job.
As well, the actual agents on the ground are screaming about cell-service.
They don’t have it...
Hopefully that $5.7BILLION includes some upgrades for the BP’s walkie-talkies, lol
It’s like every other thing the Guvment does...we’ll tie one hand behind your back, tell you to ‘get to work’, and when you fail, we’ll ask for more money.