Build That Wall!!


Well-Known Member
Where are the Fentanyl smelling dogs at the checkpoints?

Once the walls go up more of this will be pushed through ports of entry/ checkpoints. They need more agents, dogs, and technology, to keep that :censored2: out.

Sort of makes the point, doesn’t it?

Sure, add some physical barriers where it’s appropriate, but mostly the money, if there’s money, should be applied to a host of other scenarios including tightening up ports of entry, yahdayahda...

There’s already a surplus of designated funds to hire more Border Patrol agents, going back to the Obama administration, but no one wants the job.

It’s like $25K a year...seriously?

The qualifications needed are on par for a preloader job at UPS, but it’s in the middle of bumfckistan on the border, and no one wants the job.

As well, the actual agents on the ground are screaming about cell-service.

They don’t have it...


Hopefully that $5.7BILLION includes some upgrades for the BP’s walkie-talkies, lol

It’s like every other thing the Guvment does...we’ll tie one hand behind your back, tell you to ‘get to work’, and when you fail, we’ll ask for more money.


Inordinately Right
Sort of makes the point, doesn’t it?

Sure, add some physical barriers where it’s appropriate, but mostly the money, if there’s money, should be applied to a host of other scenarios including tightening up ports of entry, yahdayahda...

There’s already a surplus of designated funds to hire more Border Patrol agents, going back to the Obama administration, but no one wants the job.

It’s like $25K a year...seriously?

The qualifications needed are on par for a preloader job at UPS, but it’s in the middle of bumfckistan on the border, and no one wants the job.

As well, the actual agents on the ground are screaming about cell-service.

They don’t have it...


Hopefully that $5.7BILLION includes some upgrades for the BP’s walkie-talkies, lol

It’s like every other thing the Guvment does...we’ll tie one hand behind your back, tell you to ‘get to work’, and when you fail, we’ll ask for more money.
Only 1 percent of personal vehicles are scanned at ports of entry.

Only 17 percent of commercial vehicles are scanned at ports of entry.

But we need a wall because of all the stuff crossing the border we don't know about.....

It's complete nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Sort of makes the point, doesn’t it?

Sure, add some physical barriers where it’s appropriate, but mostly the money, if there’s money, should be applied to a host of other scenarios including tightening up ports of entry, yahdayahda...

There’s already a surplus of designated funds to hire more Border Patrol agents, going back to the Obama administration, but no one wants the job.

It’s like $25K a year...seriously?

The qualifications needed are on par for a preloader job at UPS, but it’s in the middle of bumfckistan on the border, and no one wants the job.

As well, the actual agents on the ground are screaming about cell-service.

They don’t have it...


Hopefully that $5.7BILLION includes some upgrades for the BP’s walkie-talkies, lol

It’s like every other thing the Guvment does...we’ll tie one hand behind your back, tell you to ‘get to work’, and when you fail, we’ll ask for more money.
Where the heck are you getting those numbers? Border Patrol was hiring people starting at over $50k back in early 2000's when I was living on border. They were doing over $70k in 2 years, and had excellent benefits.


Well-Known Member
Where the heck are you getting those numbers? Border Patrol was hiring people starting at over $50k back in early 2000's when I was living on border. They were doing over $70k in 2 years, and had excellent benefits.

Do you kind of wish you’d gone into Border Patrol?

Just a little bit?

Maybe you could have stayed in the States?


Well-Known Member
I Googled "how much do Border Patrol agents make" and saw those numbers plus a number of higher numbers. One was the AVERAGE is over $58k. And I delivered to Border Patrol stations and saw recruitment posters with those numbers. Possibly a better deal in the early 2000's when they were trying to beef up the force.


Well-Known Member
I Googled "how much do Border Patrol agents make" and saw those numbers plus a number of higher numbers. One was the AVERAGE is over $58k. And I delivered to Border Patrol stations and saw recruitment posters with those numbers. Possibly a better deal in the early 2000's when they were trying to beef up the force.

I personally don’t feel that ‘regret’ is an idea/concept worth dwelling on.

Having said that, I’m not you.

Do you regret not signing up for the Border Patrol?

Sounds like the money was great...


I like this post and I can't even imagine living in a big city Superurban area where everyone is on top of one another. I guess this is what drives so much of the disagreement with widely and wildly divergent views on so many subjects.
I fall back to my way of looking at this mess ... the problem is so much power concentrated in the National government in our 'Anti-Federalist' evolvement ever since the formation of this great Republic.
The EU is experiencing problems ruling a large number of disparate cultures just as the USA is experiencing.

Maybe it is time to actually form a new Agreement amongst the states of the US.

Maybe we can have another Civil War, without the killing, and branch off into type of government ... we did it once.
For sure, get rid of the two party system!

Like a civil Civil War?


Well-Known Member
I personally don’t feel that ‘regret’ is an idea/concept worth dwelling on.

Having said that, I’m not you.

Do you regret not signing up for the Border Patrol?

Sounds like the money was great...
At least one agent was killed and a few more wounded while I was in McAllen. To be in a remote area for several days chasing who knows what through the brush at 3 a.m. isn't my idea of fun. They earn their money.


golden ticket member
What DO these people do????? They've met one time and are scheduled to meet again next Wednesday. What a bunch of lazy a-wholes!! And we pay them !!!!

old levi's

blank space
The wall is a medieval concept, not surprising in light of its biggest proponent.

An unmanned wall is ineffective. You can go over, under, through, and around it. So the wall gets built, and then agents must constantly patrol the wall (sounds expensive ). Sure glad Mexico is paying for all of this.

Once the agents are in place, should they be authorized to shoot on sight any invaders immigrants.

Got to keep those brown people out of this country, don't cha know.


Got the T-Shirt


golden ticket member
The wall is a medieval concept, not surprising in light of its biggest proponent.

An unmanned wall is ineffective. You can go over, under, through, and around it. So the wall gets built, and then agents must constantly patrol the wall (sounds expensive ). Sure glad Mexico is paying for all of this.

Once the agents are in place, should they be authorized to shoot on sight any invaders immigrants.

Got to keep those brown people out of this country, don't cha know.
"Wall" is a 4-letter word shorter than saying a "see-thru barrier made of steel slats"!!!