Build That Wall!!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I’m a busy guy. No time to read all that BS. If not a wall-what then? Something HAS to be done. We can’t afford to harbor every disgruntled person from other countries. Build that wall.
No one believes you’re a busy guy. Better guest worker laws and faster processing would be a good start.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Well gee man, if we had a contiguous wall they wouldn't be able to just cross somewhere else now would they? Come on, really?
I love how I asked for a rebuttal of the arguments raised in the article and you clowns keep posting the nonsensical talking points of dear leader because you can’t be bothered to read. It’s exactly what I expected, clearly demonstrates how stupid the Republican Party has become.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Walls don’t stop anyone, ...

That's the stupidest post I have ever seen on Brown Cafe.
Just absolutely bereft of any common sense and ignoring the realities already in place.
I say stupid because that means a person has the intelligence and knowledge to know better.
Stupid is much worse than Ignorance ... Ignorance mean a person doesn't have the knowledge or experience to know better.


Well-Known Member
Read the conservative article I posted. He goes over the whole thing, you clearly stopped at the first picture of a concrete wall, that your choice to remain ignorant. Anyone that thinks a wall will solve the problem is a fool. Anyone that thinks it’s even a reasonable solution for the cost is a fool. We have the data for the results after the last secure fencing act and they show no noticeable reduction in illegal immigration.
Because the last secure fencing act wasn't intended to stop them. It was window dressing. Again, please show me how Israel's wall is ineffective? And to hear Democrats talk about the cost of anything is ludicrous. And when you consider the annual costs associated with illegal immigration then not building a wall is the epitome of foolishness.


Well-Known Member
I love how I asked for a rebuttal of the arguments raised in the article and you clowns keep posting the nonsensical talking points of dear leader because you can’t be bothered to read. It’s exactly what I expected, clearly demonstrates how stupid the Republican Party has become.
I read it, it's intended to steer the debate in a certain direction, doesn't settle the issue at all. You're an arrogant prig, and it shows why you voted for Hillary. She has the same kind of arrogance and it cost her the election. And you and your fellow Dems are too arrogant to admit it.


Inordinately Right
That's the stupidest post I have ever seen on Brown Cafe.
Just absolutely bereft of any common sense and ignoring the realities already in place.
I say stupid because that means a person has the intelligence and knowledge to know better.
Stupid is much worse than Ignorance ... Ignorance mean a person doesn't have the knowledge or experience to know better.
I love when old people regress to the emotional stability of a toddler. Lol.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Because the last secure fencing act wasn't intended to stop them. It was window dressing. Again, please show me how Israel's wall is ineffective? And to hear Democrats talk about the cost of anything is ludicrous. And when you consider the annual costs associated with illegal immigration then not building a wall is the epitome of foolishness.
Who cares if Israel’s wall is effective? A wall on our southern border wouldn’t be, no reasonable person thinks it will be. The issues and cost of such a barrier are clear and you have no rebuttal to them beyond Fake News!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
View attachment 229459
That's the stupidest post I have ever seen on Brown Cafe.
Just absolutely bereft of any common sense and ignoring the realities already in place.
I say stupid because that means a person has the intelligence and knowledge to know better.
Stupid is much worse than Ignorance ... Ignorance mean a person doesn't have the knowledge or experience to know better.
Have to abbreviate the quote to try and make a silly personal attack? Pretty sad old man. Look at the data over the last several centuries, walls aren’t very effective at deterring humans that want to get to the other side of them. We have fancy technology now like rope and shovels.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I read it, it's intended to steer the debate in a certain direction, doesn't settle the issue at all. You're an arrogant prig, and it shows why you voted for Hillary. She has the same kind of arrogance and it cost her the election. And you and your fellow Dems are too arrogant to admit it.
Trying to steer the debate with pesky facts and practical reality. How dare the CATO institute explore how such a wall would actually be built and how effective it would be! Outrageous!

And I didn’t vote for Hillary, it was 2 years ago man, let her go, you’ll be ok.


Just a turd
View attachment 229459
That's the stupidest post I have ever seen on Brown Cafe.
Just absolutely bereft of any common sense and ignoring the realities already in place.
I say stupid because that means a person has the intelligence and knowledge to know better.
Stupid is much worse than Ignorance ... Ignorance mean a person doesn't have the knowledge or experience to know better.

"Walls don't stop anyone " is the stupidest post you have read on here?
Did you miss all of @tonyexpress posts about how Gary Johnson was the best candidate for president ?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Have to abbreviate the quote to try and make a silly personal attack? Pretty sad old man. Look at the data over the last several centuries, walls aren’t very effective at deterring humans that want to get to the other side of them. We have fancy technology now like rope and shovels.
That's high tech for the monkey loser Dims but not for the winners in life Repugs!


Retired 23 years
No one believes you’re a busy guy. Better guest worker laws and faster processing would be a good start.

So you appear to be on the side that everyone should be able to come in if they do it legally? I'm not so sure that would work in the long run. Imagine how many more government workers it would take to process them. I doubt any number could keep up with that wave of people. Maybe if there was a time limit on them to prove they could be productive citizens. Say after 5 years if you haven't paid taxes in the last 3 maybe you should be shown the door? One or two years on welfare and adious MF. I don't have a solution and I don't think anyone against the wall does either. All they know is that they are against it. Something HAS to be done and a wall is a good start.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Someone didn’t read the article. Walls don’t stop anyone, they might move them further down the line to more dangerous areas. Walls don’t apprehend illegal crossers. Walls need constant maintenance. There’s evidence barriers keep migrant farm workers trapped in the USA instead of allowing them easy travel back to Mexico. But, hey argue against a silly straw man of prison walls if it makes you happy, just proving my point about Trump supporter’s willful ignorance.
That's like saying Dams don't stop water because the water goes to the place of least resistance ... a spillway or more likely, a turbine intake to generate electricity.

The authorized ports-of-entry are the intakes in the Immigration system.
Everyone should have a chance to apply but only the ones with needed skills should be admitted.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Read it, maybe you’ll learn something. Did the wall in San Diego stop illegal immigration? Spoiler, nope, people just cross somewhere else. Who cares what other countries have done? Israel has a very different border and very different problems, that argument is as stupid as the prison one.
Your argument that funneling people to less secure places is not useful is truly an example of ignorance or at least the inability to think critically along a path.
The wall in San Diego kept invaders from getting through at that location.
If the wall has a break in it ... then the invaders will come through at the weak point.
Try and think about what that means if a wall or impassible terrain stretched the entire border with Mexico?
I know you can do it if you will just try!


Just a turd
Your argument that funneling people to less secure places is not useful is truly an example of ignorance or at least the inability to think critically along a path.
The wall in San Diego kept invaders from getting through at that location.
If the wall has a break in it ... then the invaders will come through at the weak point.
Try and think about what that means if a wall or impassible terrain stretched the entire border with Mexico?
I know you can do it if you will just try!

Who is going to maintain that wall, and how much is that going to cost? Why is the you Republicans ( and you are ,despite claims to the contrary that you are a libertarian) want to waste taxpayer money on all these big government projects. What is more cost efficient.