Hey bro I've lived in three places on the border that were overwhelmingly Hispanic. No one forced me to and if I was racist I would've never lived there. Not to mention I'm just about to move to South America. Have Hispanic cousins too. I've seen people breaking their backs in 98 degree heat to give their kids a better life. Totally respect that. My concern is we can't just keep adding millions to our population, many of whom need assistance to survive. The well is getting pretty dry. And there's a criminal element that comes up too. They are causing terrible problems. That you would characterize it as racist means very little now because people like you always bring up racism as if there's no other legitimate reason. And I guess Obama, Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi et al are racists too because they have voted for border barriers in the past too. This is ridiculous. A wall should have been erected a long time ago. And I have no problem letting the people who are here now get some kind of legal status to stay but if they commit crimes they need to be removed. Hopefully someday people can discuss such things without racism being injected into it.