Build That Wall!!


nowhere special

Biden Regime Decides to Build Border Wall Segment Two Months After They Sold All of the Trump Border Parts Worth $300 Million for $2 Million​



Retired 23 years

Biden Regime Decides to Build Border Wall Segment Two Months After They Sold All of the Trump Border Parts Worth $300 Million for $2 Million​

Sounds about right for how our government operates.


Sounds about right for how our government operates.
Translation: Joe from Scranton's poll numbers are slipping.

Like Gavin Newsome talking about needing stronger border security in California and pledging $250,000,000 to combat smash and grab. Suddenly they sound like Bill Clinton's '92 DNC speech.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Translation: Joe from Scranton's poll numbers are slipping.

Like Gavin Newsome talking about needing stronger border security in California and pledging $250,000,000 to combat smash and grab. Suddenly they sound like Bill Clinton's '92 DNC speech.
It’s all BS, they won’t do anything substantive. It’s just for the reelection campaign.


Biden could make sure every brown person crossing the border was slaughtered and you’d be mad that he didn’t save their heads for 15ft pikes after they buried them in a mass grave.


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Biden could make sure every brown person crossing the border was slaughtered and you’d be mad that he didn’t save their heads for 15ft pikes after they buried them in a mass grave.
Maybe a bleeding heart like you could volunteer his own head in place of theirs. Establish some significance to your virtue signaling.


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are overlooking what has happened.
This little thing called.....Artificial Intelligence.....HAL 9000 stuff.....Arthur C. Clarke's visions are becoming reality.
It was only a concept when Biden was running.
Today it's off the drawing board and many of the people sitting on congressional hearings have no idea what it is.
What is known is that it has the capability to eliminate many thousands of American blue collar jobs.
What's worse than a bunch of illegals here in the states working low skill jobs?
A bunch of illegals here in the states with no job.