Build That Wall!!


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are overlooking what has happened.
This little thing called.....Artificial Intelligence.....HAL 9000 stuff.....Arthur C. Clarke's visions are becoming reality.
It was only a concept when Biden was running.
Today it's off the drawing board and many of the people sitting on congressional hearings have no idea what it is.
What is known is that it has the capability to eliminate many thousands of American blue collar jobs.
What's worse than a bunch of illegals here in the states working low skill jobs?
A bunch of illegals here in the states with no job.
That's been a major concern of mine. What happens after admitting millions and millions of illegals, most of whom are young men ill equipped to do anything beyond basic low paying work, and the companies developing A.I. and robotics with the goal to eliminate as much labor as possible leave those young men with no way to support themselves? Not only a problem for them. A lot of minorities will be affected. Poor whites too. And even college grad professionals like accountants. I've seen estimates of 30% of all current jobs gone by 2030 and 50% by 2050. Economists are going to have to figure out how to make it all work with things like a UBI. If not there's going to be a lot of unrest.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Oops? Thought they were against walls?



All Trash No Trailer
Turns out that as commander-in-chief Trump can declare a national security emergency on the border and use military funds to build the wall. Democrats got suckered by the "idiot."
Boy this sure didn’t age well. At least he was able to give millionaires and billionaires huge tax breaks.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Biden making America way less safe. His horrible legacy.
But the boobs believe everything is fine.


All Trash No Trailer
Biden making America way less safe. His horrible legacy.
Trump had two years where the Republicans controlled the presidency, house and senate. Why wasn’t the wall built if it was that important? Remember when trump said he’d build the wall and Mexico would pay for it? Again, at least he was able to give tax cuts to the mega rich. Y’all got played


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
And your crowd believes he was going to build the wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. 🤣. Now that was some serious nonsense
All I know is he threatened Mexico with a 5% tariff if they didn’t keep the illegals in Mexico, and they complied. Were we at with that now? Keep drinking the kool aid.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
And your crowd believes he was going to build the wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. 🤣. Now that was some serious nonsense
How much $ we dishing out now supporting Biden's flooding millions? How much government support will be drained in the future by these hordes? Strong border security including the wall pays for itself when you add that all up, not to mention all the criminals, terrorists, and spies, Biden could be letting in.


All Trash No Trailer
How much $ we dishing out now supporting Biden's flooding millions? How much government support will be drained in the future by these hordes? Strong border security including the wall pays for itself when you add that all up, not to mention all the criminals, terrorists, and spies, Biden could be letting in.
Again, if it were that big of a deal why didn’t Orange Jesus build it during his term? Wasn’t that one of the most widely touted planks of his platform when he was running in 2016?
Y’all got played.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Again, if it were that big of a deal why didn’t Orange Jesus build it during his term? Wasn’t that one of the most widely touted planks of his platform when he was running in 2016?
Y’all got played.
Biden should have continued the job. He failed and now he created a disaster with his open border policy. All on Dems now, they own it.


Well-Known Member
Again, if it were that big of a deal why didn’t Orange Jesus build it during his term? Wasn’t that one of the most widely touted planks of his platform when he was running in 2016?
Y’all got played.
Typical Democrat response. When Republicans had the majority under Trump they had 52 senators in the Senate. In order to get past the filibuster they needed 8 Democrats to vote with them on border security. Which they didn't get. The Democrats kept blocking until they took over in 2019. And then Schumer wouldn't even allow a vote. Trump was only able to get funding by declaring a national emergency and diverting funds from other areas, primarily from defense funds.

Anyone buying into the idea that Trump never tried to build a wall because some Democrat says so is the one getting played. And we all see why the Democrats tried so hard to keep Trump from building the wall. Democrats have sold us out on national security.