Build That Wall!!


Well-Known Member
Typical Democrat response. When Republicans had the majority under Trump they had 52 senators in the Senate. In order to get past the filibuster they needed 8 Democrats to vote with them on border security. Which they didn't get. The Democrats kept blocking until they took over in 2019. And then Schumer wouldn't even allow a vote. Trump was only able to get funding by declaring a national emergency and diverting funds from other areas, primarily from defense funds.

Anyone buying into the idea that Trump never tried to build a wall because some Democrat says so is the one getting played. And we all see why the Democrats tried so hard to keep Trump from building the wall. Democrats have sold us out on national security.
@728ups have you fact checked me yet to make sure I'm not making it up as I go along?

As usual Democrats are the ones actually doing what they accuse Republicans of doing. In this case you're making :censored2: up as you go along. What a shock.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
One would think Dems would stop blaming Trump and start bragging about how wonderful Biden's "Millions Flooding Into America March" is working!

They could use this slogan; "Millions More In 24!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Well-Known Member
Trump was not the illegal immigration expert MAGAs claim he was.

And? They were already here when he took over and due to lack of cooperation with ICE by sanctuary cities as well as the Democrats fighting him on funding not much was done to prevent new crossings on this side of the border. The most success he had was getting Mexico to stop crossings from happening from their side and his "remain in Mexico" policy for asylum seekers. Let's see the graph including until present time to see how Biden's policies have affected numbers.


Well-Known Member
And? They were already here when he took over and due to lack of cooperation with ICE by sanctuary cities as well as the Democrats fighting him on funding not much was done to prevent new crossings on this side of the border. The most success he had was getting Mexico to stop crossings from happening from their side and his "remain in Mexico" policy for asylum seekers. Let's see the graph including until present time to see how Biden's policies have affected numbers.

That’s not the point.

Trump was not the great protector. Trump did not stop the flow. Trump’s policies changed little, if anything.


Well-Known Member
That’s not the point.

Trump was not the great protector. Trump did not stop the flow. Trump’s policies changed little, if anything.
Trump's policies most certainly stopped the flow. Has Biden once asked Mexico to stop the caravans from coming up? The Biden administration is suing Texas over putting up barriers. An estimated 8 million illegals have come across in the last 3 years. But the joke is on Biden. He has to go into an election having overrun Democrat controlled cities, busting their budgets. He was, early on, transporting the illegals all over the place, even flying them in. In their view the border states could deal with being overwhelmed while they spread them thin elsewhere. But Greg Abbott decided that the big "sanctuary" cities deserved to get a lot more than they were getting. So nonstop busing out of Texas and now they're all crying foul. It was fine when it was primarily Republican run Texas getting slammed. Not when it's they who have to suffer the direct results of their policies. So snark about Trump all you want. This wasn't anywhere near the issue under his presidency as it is now. Not even close.


Bad Moon Risen'
Stop hiring them and most will not come. Lot of diary farms in Wisconsin would go out of business without their labor.

Just let enough in to do my yardwork.


Well-Known Member
Stop hiring them and most will not come. Lot of diary farms in Wisconsin would go out of business without their labor.

Just let enough in to do my yardwork.
What about legal bringing in immigrants the right way? The Biden administration is breaking the law and Biden and Mayorkas should be impeached for it.


Well-Known Member
Stop hiring them and most will not come. Lot of diary farms in Wisconsin would go out of business without their labor.

Just let enough in to do my yardwork.
Let's not forget
-other farms
-meat processing facilities
-other food production plants
-most restaurants

Getting a pure white nation with no immigrants means less food and lot more expensive food.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Let's not forget
-other farms
-meat processing facilities
-other food production plants
-most restaurants

Getting a pure white nation with no immigrants means less food and lot more expensive food.
Ever been to a new home construction site? Or have a roof replaced? Don't white people work construction jobs anymore?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Let's not forget
-other farms
-meat processing facilities
-other food production plants
-most restaurants

Getting a pure white nation with no immigrants means less food and lot more expensive food.
My gosh, you're right!

Who'd have guessed we were 8 million vagrants short of prosperity for all!


Well-Known Member
Let's not forget
-other farms
-meat processing facilities
-other food production plants
-most restaurants

Getting a pure white nation with no immigrants means less food and lot more expensive food.
You're a broken record on race. Most legal immigrants in the last few decades were from developing nations. No one is advocating for an all white immigrant system(other than a very small minority of extremists).