Build That Wall!!

El Correcto

god is dead
look at all the victimized citizenry that could have been protected and saved the heartache of criminal activity if our country was serious about border security

Over 250,000 criminal aliens were booked in Texas local jails between June 2011 and April 2018. These individuals were charged with more than 663,000 offenses, including:

  • 1,351 homicide charges
  • 79,049 assault charges
  • 18,685 burglary charges
  • 79,900 drug charges
  • 815 kidnapping charges
  • 44,882 theft charges
  • 50,777 obstructing police charges
  • 4,292 robbery charges
  • 7,156 sexual assault charges
  • 9,938 weapons charges.
Bad hombres.


Retired 23 years

Whens this zero going to disappear?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I didn’t watch the video, but the new math helps make mental math easier. It scales better than old math.
I can see that ... my mental math uses the same approach.

In my method I just saw 350+70 = 420
Using a slide rule for 4 years at Ga Tech helped to ingrain mental math because a slide rule does not give you a final result.


Staff member
I just looked at it and said 420.
I remember Teachers never liked it when I just wrote the answer without 'showing my work'.
I wonder if kids can do that today with New Math in their background.
That “new math” looks like it’s getting kids ready for things like “least common denominator”, decimals, order of operations, and logical analysis. Terrible things.