Build That Wall!!


Well-Known Member
And now it's up to Pelosi to open it back up.
What's so hard to understand about that?
SMH ... damn Dimwits!

Senate Republicans blocked a House-passed package to reopen the federal government for a second time in as many weeks on Tuesday. McConnell blocks House bill to reopen government for second time


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
When it comes to their actual on the job duties. Not being paid so they can fulfill their personal financial obligations is not part of what they signed up for.
The Repug/Conservative employees have 6 months in savings to deal with it.
The Dimwit/Liberals live week to week because they spend their money instead of saving some of it.


Well-Known Member
OldmAn jingles
when you get a parking ticket? why don’t you retain Rudy Giuliani! Rudy can argue your parking ticket should be reduced to manslaughter charge?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Still not address the issue of why the Mitch won’t bring the house bill to senate floor? Still with attacks would you like ask your mom for help to answer any Mitch won’t allow the house bill to be heard?
it wont be heard because it gots no border wall funding in it and trump would just veto it

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Still not address the issue of why the Mitch won’t bring the house bill to senate floor? Still with attacks would you like ask your mom for help to answer any Mitch won’t allow the house bill to be heard?
God, what a stupid duck!
Because it does not have Border Barrier funding in it.
Pelosi denies Veterans again ... she hates the military.