Bad Moon Risen'
Which little conservative put a server in Hillary's closet?And how do we know they're Trump supporters? Probably little liberals trying to make Trump supporters look bad.
Which little conservative put a server in Hillary's closet?And how do we know they're Trump supporters? Probably little liberals trying to make Trump supporters look bad.
Students in Trump hats mock Native American; school apologizes | Reuters
Y’all must be so proud! Bringing up such fine litt racist a-holes!
Why am I “playing the race card”? Because they’re racist little a-holes.
Because liberals would never look bad on their ownYeah. Because Trump supporters would never look bad on their own!
friend that rasict ass wall
Ask Pelosi because Ole Steiney can't help ya.Trump is a maroon (BC auto-edited the word). That said, how is a wall racist?
Even Einstein was a baby at some point.Oh goody Einstein showed up
Because liberals would never look bad on their own
You got Farrakan and they got Trump ... so far Trump is kicking butt.
Which One?friend that racist ass wall
You think a conservative can get within a mile of Hillary? Well, maybe if he wants to pay her to speak.Which little conservative put a server in Hillary's closet?
Sorry bruh. But "protesting" a Native American War Veteran is about as stupid as you can get.Antifa protests are definitely the worst. Both masked and unmasked. Hands down, the stupidesting stuff I've ever seen. Conservatives wearing MAGA hats definitely don't have a monopoly on the durrrrrrrrr.
You ever go back and read any of your posts?Sorry bruh. But "protesting" a Native American War Veteran is about as stupid as you can get.
President Donald Trump on Saturday boasted to reporters about how well San Antonio’s border wall is working. But the Texas city is 150 miles from the Mexican border and has no wall.
Trump Touts Border Wall In San Antonio, Which Has No Wall And Isn't On The Border
That's right up there with Obama's 57 states.
Wearing MAGA hats, harassing a native American Vietnam veteran with chants of "build that wall!", just on the off chance that there's anyone out there who doesn't know what this whole "wall" thing is really about. All that's left is for Trump to get on twitter and tell us how there were "very fine people, on both sides"...
Well not the wall itself but the ideology behind it in my opinion have rasict white supremacist undertones that caters to some of his supporters beliefs in his base
Sorry bruh. But "protesting" a Native American War Veteran is about as stupid as you can get.
Being that some of his supporters are white nationalists this fits there narative to ensure the survival of the white race,
your opinion on a wall being put up for racist reasons means your liberal leadership that have walls around their properties are also racists.
It is stupid. But I don’t think the “Whose people look stupider?” gauntlet should be thrown down over the way some MAGA high schoolers were behaving.
Kids often say and do some really stupidat that age as their brains have not fully developed. I was raised hard right and deeply regretted some past behaviors once I left home for the wider world. Met actual gay people, thought for myself, etc etc.