California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
I think the minimum wage should be eliminated. It keeps wages lower in many cases. Let the free market determine what wage it takes to keep able employees in the work place. The living wage deal is insane. These low wage jobs are not designed to support a household. They give inexperienced people a chance to enter the work force and develop skills that can help them pursue higher paying jobs later on.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
so americans in debt are more free than europeans who arent in debt?
Actually, the tax burden in the U.S. averages 25%, where Europeans average 34%, so yes, Americans are more free.

And, coincidentally in Germany, the economic powerhouse of Europe, the effective corporate tax rate is 15%, and their unemployment rate is 3.6%. Comparatively, the U.S. rates are 20% tax and 4.4% unemployment. I guess the rich getting richer in Germany works for the benefit of everyone.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the tax burden in the U.S. averages 25%, where Europeans average 34%, so yes, Americans are more free.

And, coincidentally in Germany, the economic powerhouse of Europe, the effective corporate tax rate is 15%, and their unemployment rate is 3.6%. Comparatively, the U.S. rates are 20% tax and 4.4% unemployment. I guess the rich getting richer in Germany works for the benefit of everyone.
america just spends all its taxes on war. its true america is undertaxed but im not sure which class they are referring to when they say that.

you do know that germany and america may measure their unemployment rates differently right. german economy is much better than the americans; the germans still manufacture stuff. so just comparing unemployment rates is not good enough.


golden ticket member
america just spends all its taxes on war. its true america is undertaxed but im not sure which class they are referring to when they say that.

you do know that germany and america may measure their unemployment rates differently right. german economy is much better than the americans; the germans still manufacture stuff. so just comparing unemployment rates is not good enough.
are you part of Canada's unemployment rate??

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
no im unionized and exploited every day by my capitalist masters.
Well, put an end to the exploitation. Since the U.S. is so corrupt, you should move past the disaster of your birthplace and relocate to a country that shares your idealism. Majority rules here. Sucks.:salute:


Well-Known Member
Well, put an end to the exploitation. Since the U.S. is so corrupt, you should move past the disaster of your birthplace and relocate to a country that shares your idealism. Majority rules here. Sucks.:salute:
well im canadian thank god. i like the weather in america. mind you i dont like canada either. too conservative. not enough laws for workers. not enough protest


Well-Known Member
He can't decide between N Korea or Venezuela.
how about italy. you know, that place america CIA and UK came in after WWII and were appalled to see workers running the show which they tried busting up:

There are thousands of cooperatives of all types in Emilia Romagna.
  • Cooperatives make up over 40% of the GDP of the ER region.
  • In Bologna two out of three citizens are members of a cooperative.
  • In Bologna over 85% of the city's social services are provided by social co-ops.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the tax burden in the U.S. averages 25%, where Europeans average 34%, so yes, Americans are more free.

And, coincidentally in Germany, the economic powerhouse of Europe, the effective corporate tax rate is 15%, and their unemployment rate is 3.6%. Comparatively, the U.S. rates are 20% tax and 4.4% unemployment. I guess the rich getting richer in Germany works for the benefit of everyone.
hey if you want to be more like the germans you could have 5 weeks paid vacation by law, maternity leave, free college for all including non citizens, or german co determination which puts workers on the boards of directors and is more democratic than american corporate capitalism..

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
hey if you want to be more like the germans you could have 5 weeks paid vacation by law, maternity leave, free college for all including non citizens, or german co determination which puts workers on the boards of directors and is more democratic than american corporate capitalism..
Utopia! There's where you should re-locate! Maybe East Germany, better known as Refugee Central. You'd fit right in.


Well-Known Member
hey if you want to be more like the germans you could have 5 weeks paid vacation by law, maternity leave, free college for all including non citizens, or german co determination which puts workers on the boards of directors and is more democratic than american corporate capitalism..
"Germany is sooo much better", "capitalism is evil and oppressive", "it's so unfair I have to work over forty hours a week and don't get a month and a half off", "like totally redistribute the wealth"......

Get a job pinko and put down the Marx.