California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
He was, and is, getting scrutinized like no president in recent history, most of it nonsense. You're saying he has to take it lying down, that to be critical of the ridiculousness is threatening democracy. That's silly. Name one outlet that has been intimidated into backing down? A much greater threat to democracy is a press seeking to bring down a duly elected president for no other reason than they disagree with his policies. They are objectively dishonest in their support of one political party over another and it's their job to be objective.
"Duly elected"? That's the issue VT. Was he "duly elected"? When Mueller stars closing in on him Trump will do a Nixon Out of sheer desperation fire Mueller hoping that that together with with his 30% political base he will be able to withstand the firestorm. Even if he is still in office come 2020 his own party will have long since abandoned him resulting in his failure to gain renomination.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
"Duly elected"? That's the issue VT. Was he "duly elected"? When Mueller stars closing in on him Trump will do a Nixon Out of sheer desperation fire Mueller hoping that that together with with his 30% political base he will be able to withstand the firestorm. Even if he is still in office come 2020 his own party will have long since abandoned him resulting in his failure to gain renomination.
Interesting position. Let's revisit your theory in 2020.


Well-Known Member
Interesting position. Let's revisit your theory in 2020.
If he's still in office come 2020. If he is I believe that his party will gladly sacrifice the oval office in exchange for retention or recapture of it's Congressional majority and willing to go so far as to back an alternative presidential candidate possibly Senator Ben Sasse. Someone who's not a political retread like Rubio, Cruz or Bush but rather someone who can win key swing states and not or the popular vote.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
If he's still in office come 2020. If he is I believe that his party will gladly sacrifice the oval office in exchange for retention or recapture of it's Congressional majority and willing to go so far as to back an alternative presidential candidate possibly Senator Ben Sasse. Someone who's not a political retread like Rubio, Cruz or Bush but rather someone who can win key swing states and not or the popular vote.
Pardon, but what I said was, let's revisit your theory in 2020, not discuss your views ad nauseam. Apologies if I was ambiguous.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
so what do you actually do to support your political ideology aside from voting?

or do you just like debating with guys on browncafe?
I'm one of those rich, entitled fatcat bastards who buys off our corrupt politicians to ensure my wealth, while taking advantage of you peons, as well as the third world, and I'm okay with that.
They're doing work that any goofy 16 year-old kid can do. What kind of pay do they expect?
It doesnt take much skill to be a delivery driver either, whats your point? And Good jobs are not just falling out of the sky in this day’s economy. Even college graduates are struggling. Let’s be realistic.

Whether someone is being paid $1 an hour or $15, wages are still pretty stangnant while cost of living is still rapidly rising.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Communism as practiced has been a disaster,

"As practiced"? That's what communism is. There is no other way to practice it.

but we are heading that way now with attacks on the free press by the president. Believe what the press says or not, we won't be free with the president controlling the press either openly or covertly by trying to discredit it. He needs to quit supporting part of the press while denigrating the rest. He made a speech talking about how great he is, and how the USA is the greatest, and the world better listen to him.The speech could have been straight out of Russia circa 1960.

You've got a problem with a president who pushes back at the media. Did you have a problem with a president who was the darling of the media for two terms? Any issues with a candidate that the media not only made no effort to hide its support for, but took the unprecedented step of saying (paraphrased) that this election was too important to treat in an unbiased, objective manner?

I understand your dislike of his handling of the media, but you don't seem to be the context into consideration. He isn't George W. Bush, who just stood there and took it.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Trump needs to grow a pair. If he had half a brain, he must have known that press would scrutinize his every move, like they have with every president.

They were really rough on Obama, right? Just tore him a new one, right?

But no other president has actually attempted to make the public distrust the press like Trump has.

He doesn't have to. When the press has to keep walking back the stories they write about him, that's a press issue, not a Trump issue. It's not his fault that the NYT urged journalists to toss out normal journalistic standards when covering him during the campaign.

The public sees the press as increasingly dishonest because the press is increasingly dishonest.

He plans to move the Israeli embassy which he knew would cause protests and deaths for no actual benefit to ANYONE, just to keep a stupid promise to Sheldon Adelson. No other American had any real issue with the status quo, but Trump did it, literally knowing people would suffer. Trump's idea of how he wants America to look is looking a lot like Russia.

He's moving it to the capital of Israel. The reason it may cause deaths is because there are some nasty people in that part of the world and he's not going to fellate them as you would if you were in his shoes.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
"Duly elected"? That's the issue VT. Was he "duly elected"? When Mueller stars closing in on him Trump will do a Nixon Out of sheer desperation fire Mueller hoping that that together with with his 30% political base he will be able to withstand the firestorm.

A year into this, and... nothing.

Even if he is still in office come 2020 his own party will have long since abandoned him resulting in his failure to gain renomination.

His party just gave him his tax cut plan that he wanted.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
It doesnt take much skill to be a delivery driver either, whats your point? And Good jobs are not just falling out of the sky in this day’s economy. Even college graduates are struggling. Let’s be realistic.

Whether someone is being paid $1 an hour or $15, wages are still pretty stangnant while cost of living is still rapidly rising.

The inflation rate is currently 2.2%. Try again.


Well-Known Member
A year into this, and... nothing.

His party just gave him his tax cut plan that he wanted.


It’s clear your happy with the direction the county is taking, and I would be interested to hear your opinion on the following:

1) Debt: Every bloke knows how the tax cut will add to the deficit, and there is no historical precedent that indicates GDP will grow due to the cuts. At this time, 1.4 trillion annual budged deficits are projected by 2027.

2) Median household income: let’s say it’s about 55,000 (depending on your source). Half the households in this county are living below that mark (hence the term median). When you factor in the average amount of children (keep in mind most millennials are having kids out of wedlock) and the average amount of household debt (public debt projected to be almost 90 percent of GDP by 2027) it doesn’t bode well for half (all?) the population.

3) Climate: federal agencies - as in the federal government, not left leaning fringe groups - have recently published a report stating there are no credible explanations in regards to global warming, other than it’s a man mad phenomenon. Actually, Exxon’s own climatologist came to a similar conclusion in 1988 - working sods from Fedex will be able to afford large swathes of coastal property in 2100.

4) Retirement: half the population of working age doesn’t save for retirement (outside of SSA payroll contributions). People like Van can get by for now, but eventually there will be a backlash, and the haves may not like the outcome.

I look forward to your pithy, “don’t bother me with the facts” response.


Picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
Man. . . I just want to buy firearms, standard magazines and ammo without some :censored2: telling me what to do.

I just want more capacity cause I'm lazy and hate reloading, damn it.


Just telling it like it is
That out of the way, what you short bussers don't take into account is that employers will simply raise their standards. If I pay new hires $20,000/year and it is mandated that I pay them $25,000/year, I'll stop hiring people whose labor is worth $20k and start hiring people whose labor is worth $25k. You can dictate how much must be paid but you can't dictate who'll get hired.

Did you pull that out of a Cracker Jack box?

He got it from Abbott & Costello.