California is a sorry excuse for a state

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
2 criminal convictions and 2 more with a dozen charges. That's something.

Yes, it's something, I suppose. It's "We got a couple of guys who were connected to Trump and they something that had no connection to Trump or the Trump campaign." They're still short on the "Trump colluded with Russia to win the election" allegations. And by "short," I mean "They still can't even hypothesize how such a thing could happen, let alone prove it."

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Yes, it's something, I suppose. It's "We got a couple of guys who were connected to Trump and they something that had no connection to Trump or the Trump campaign." They're still short on the "Trump colluded with Russia to win the election" allegations. And by "short," I mean "They still can't even hypothesize how such a thing could happen, let alone prove it."
Russians reached out to Papdopoulis, foreign policy advisor to the campaign offering dirt. He brought it up to senior campaign officials. Manafort, Donny Jr. and Jared then held a meeting with a bunch of Russians that offered dirt. After all this, the FBI warned the campaign Russians will reach out and if they do the FBI should be contacted. The campaign did not inform the FBI and when the investigation began, they all lied. Ya, I can't imagine how such a thing could happen.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!

It’s clear your happy with the direction the county is taking, and I would be interested to hear your opinion on the following:

1) Debt: Every bloke knows how the tax cut will add to the deficit, and there is no historical precedent that indicates GDP will grow due to the cuts. At this time, 1.4 trillion annual budged deficits are projected by 2027.

How did you manage to find a specific, though baseless, prediction about a deficit while not being able to find "historical precedent" that GDP grows with tax cuts? I mean, it was just as easy to look up as "bad static prediction about deficit."

I recommend that those who are opposed to lower taxes and worried about the effects they may have on our fiscal health should donate some extra money to the government. Knowing that they won't, they should all have their taxes doubled.

2) Median household income: let’s say it’s about 55,000 (depending on your source). Half the households in this county are living below that mark (hence the term median). When you factor in the average amount of children (keep in mind most millennials are having kids out of wedlock) and the average amount of household debt (public debt projected to be almost 90 percent of GDP by 2027) it doesn’t bode well for half (all?) the population.

Sounds like a great argument against having kids out of wedlock and borrowing a bunch of money.

3) Climate: federal agencies - as in the federal government, not left leaning fringe groups - have recently published a report stating there are no credible explanations in regards to global warming, other than it’s a man mad phenomenon. Actually, Exxon’s own climatologist came to a similar conclusion in 1988 - working sods from Fedex will be able to afford large swathes of coastal property in 2100.

Considering that we've managed to escape the climate disasters that were supposedly unavoidable, I'm not worried. Plus, I'll be dead in 2100.

4) Retirement: half the population of working age doesn’t save for retirement (outside of SSA payroll contributions). People like Van can get by for now, but eventually there will be a backlash, and the haves may not like the outcome.

The solution to not saving for retirement is to save for retirement.

I look forward to your pithy, “don’t bother me with the facts” response.

Thankfully, you rarely present any.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Russians reached out to Papdopoulis, foreign policy advisor to the campaign offering dirt. He brought it up to senior campaign officials. Manafort, Donny Jr. and Jared then held a meeting with a bunch of Russians that offered dirt. After all this, the FBI warned the campaign Russians will reach out and if they do the FBI should be contacted. The campaign did not inform the FBI and when the investigation began, they all lied. Ya, I can't imagine how such a thing could happen.

And here we still are, with "some people something something someone from Russia" vs. "the Russians attempted to rig our election."

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
And here we still are, with "some people something something someone from Russia" vs. "the Russians attempted to rig our election."
Several criminal convictions are more than something something. The intelligence community agrees Russia waged an information propaganda attack on the US. Sticking your fingers in your ears doesn't eliminate the attack. Where's your patriotism?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Several criminal convictions are more than something something. The intelligence community agrees Russia waged an information propaganda attack on the US. Sticking your fingers in your ears doesn't eliminate the attack. Where's your patriotism?
Propaganda has been a tool for change in the world for generations. If the intelligence community isn't aware of that fact, their descriptive adjective is an oxymoron.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
"Duly elected"? That's the issue VT. Was he "duly elected"? When Mueller stars closing in on him Trump will do a Nixon Out of sheer desperation fire Mueller hoping that that together with with his 30% political base he will be able to withstand the firestorm. Even if he is still in office come 2020 his own party will have long since abandoned him resulting in his failure to gain renomination.
You're hyperventilating. Calm down. Ommmmmmmmm. Center yourself. Ommmmmmmmmm.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Propaganda has been a tool for change in the world for generations. If the intelligence community isn't aware of that fact, their descriptive adjective is an oxymoron.
Which is why we should take the attack seriously, not pretend it didn't happen because it helped our "team." Social media networks are basically a propaganda distributor's wet dream and they were and continue to be exploited to our nation's detriment.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Which is why we should take the attack seriously, not pretend it didn't happen because it helped our "team." Social media networks are basically a propaganda distributor's wet dream and they were and continue to be exploited to our nation's detriment.
If they have to cease and desist, WE have to as well.


Well-Known Member
ok i can definitely pull up some quotes on the atomic bomb...but not now.

i thought i recall howard zinn US first did an act of war with its sanctions on japan or something...ill check it out again later.

but right now ill say i doubt theres any justification for killing tons of civilians with an atomic bomb.
How about if they were all Trump supporters?


Well-Known Member
Russians reached out to Papdopoulis, foreign policy advisor to the campaign offering dirt. He brought it up to senior campaign officials. Manafort, Donny Jr. and Jared then held a meeting with a bunch of Russians that offered dirt. After all this, the FBI warned the campaign Russians will reach out and if they do the FBI should be contacted. The campaign did not inform the FBI and when the investigation began, they all lied. Ya, I can't imagine how such a thing could happen.
Russians reached out to Papdopoulis, foreign policy advisor to the campaign offering dirt. He brought it up to senior campaign officials. Manafort, Donny Jr. and Jared then held a meeting with a bunch of Russians that offered dirt. After all this, the FBI warned the campaign Russians will reach out and if they do the FBI should be contacted. The campaign did not inform the FBI and when the investigation began, they all lied. Ya, I can't imagine how such a thing could happen.
What's interesting is the Clinton campaign paid for a dossier from Fusion GPS which also had ties to members of the FBI who were involved in investigating Clinton for improprieties. And said dossier has been debunked but appears to have been used to get a FISA warrant to spy on members of Trump's campaign team. Since we're talking about possible misdeeds during the campaign it's only fair that both sides be scrutinized for wrongdoing. But all I'm hearing is only Trump should be investigated because he won, that no matter what Clinton did it doesn't matter because she's over and out. Still haven't seen anything concrete on Trump by an investigator that Dems say is of the highest integrity and will get to the bottom of any illegality. But there does seem to be quite a bit to have emerged about Clinton to support a special prosecutor to look into allegations. If criminal acts took place then they need to be exposed and prosecuted, no matter which side of the fence you're on. Why? Going forward we want confidence that everyone is playing by the rules. Transparency. If we demand that our police maintain high ethical standards or be prosecuted for misdeeds then should we not demand the same of our leaders? If there's nothing there worthy of prosecution then settle the matter with a proper investigation.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What's interesting is the Clinton campaign paid for a dossier from Fusion GPS which also had ties to members of the FBI who were involved in investigating Clinton for improprieties. And said dossier has been debunked but appears to have been used to get a FISA warrant to spy on members of Trump's campaign team. Since we're talking about possible misdeeds during the campaign it's only fair that both sides be scrutinized for wrongdoing. But all I'm hearing is only Trump should be investigated because he won, that no matter what Clinton did it doesn't matter because she's over and out. Still haven't seen anything concrete on Trump by an investigator that Dems say is of the highest integrity and will get to the bottom of any illegality. But there does seem to be quite a bit to have emerged about Clinton to support a special prosecutor to look into allegations. If criminal acts took place then they need to be exposed and prosecuted, no matter which side of the fence you're on. Why? Going forward we want confidence that everyone is playing by the rules. Transparency. If we demand that our police maintain high ethical standards or be prosecuted for misdeeds then should we not demand the same of our leaders? If there's nothing there worthy of prosecution then settle the matter with a proper investigation.
Who do you think debunked the dossier? Much of it has been corroborated. Hannity saying it's been debunked doesn't make it true.

Do we need to wait for all the boomers to die before the right moves on to anything beyond, "but Hillary!"


Well-Known Member
How did you manage to find a specific, though baseless, prediction about a deficit while not being able to find "historical precedent" that GDP grows with tax cuts? I mean, it was just as easy to look up as "bad static prediction about deficit."

Baseless? Yeah, you’re right; the CBO tends to be staffed by former Green Party and ACLU members, who probably spew anti-right positions out of spite. I stand corrected.

Sounds like a great argument against having kids out of wedlock and borrowing a bunch of money

On this, we are in complete agreement, and I bet the nuclear families living below the median income line - you know, the ones that haven’t really had any pay increases since 2008 - really appreciate our moralistic stand on debt and marriage.

Considering that we've managed to escape the climate disasters that were supposedly unavoidable, I'm not worried. Plus, I'll be dead in 2100.

You must not live in Texas, California, or Florida. The “I’ll be dead argument” is a bit on the solipsistic side (there’s a surprise). There must be no future generations of your family.

The solution to not saving for retirement is to save for retirement.

At the risk of sounding redundant, saving for retirement gets a bit tricky when you have a household income of less than 55,000 and two children (how much farther have these families fallen behind since 2008?) Those that can save on a monthly basis are contributing less than 10 percent, which isn’t going to get the job done. Ultimately, this will adversely affect the haves.

Thankfully, you rarely present any.

I suppose, technically, one person’s opinion is as valid as another’s on a public message board.


Well-Known Member
Who do you think debunked the dossier? Much of it has been corroborated. Hannity saying it's been debunked doesn't make it true.

Do we need to wait for all the boomers to die before the right moves on to anything beyond, "but Hillary!"
So there you go. Absolutely nothing concrete about Trump that would get him charged with a crime, and yet Hillary gets a free pass. Tell me what in the dossier has been corroborated that wasn't already known? What's the smoking gun the prosecutors are looking for? It's BS. Bring on the special prosecutor for Hillary and let's get EVERYTHING out in the open. Let's watch you go "but, but Trump!" You're afraid of what is out there about Hillary and how it'll damage the credibility of the Dems.