Canada lifts black voices


Well-Known Member
Give me some sermon stuff by them and I will happily listen and refute with Bible verses. I don't believe them to be good teachers. And good teachers are less and less so don't take it personal
i really like his wages of rebellion era stuff thats what radicalized me. thats my fav book he wrote

or you can watch long speeches more recently

Is this political or religious? I see zero mention of God in comments. That's a bad sign.
All I see in the comments is worship of Chris hedges. There is one person who acknowledged Jesus even felt bothered to call him a "real savior" as opposed to the fake Chris hedges savior.

5 minutes in. Chris hedges defends Muslims, talks a lot of crap on America (some well deserved). He complains about law enforcement shooting unarmed citizens.

The deep state and hollywood ARE involved with a child sex trafficking ring.

"Christian fascists that place their faith in "magic Jesus"

Conplains about creationism in our schools.

Bro I can't listen to this crap. I thought you said he was a Christian
This is the stuff Ricky has been pushing for years here. And no matter what you say to him he'll keep coming back with the same propaganda he's been indoctrinated with.
Then he hides behind Jesus when you troll him but his "pastor" calls people "Christian fascists" who put faith in a "magic Jesus" and want to push the "evils of creationism" on children.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
This is the stuff Ricky has been pushing for years here. And no matter what you say to him he'll keep coming back with the same propaganda he's been indoctrinated with.
One word:
Cantnadian, buttmunch, puke maggot, commie, spit drinker, lonely, gizz backed up, lazy thinking Cantnadian.
Well, maybe that's more than one word.
Let the record forever show that @rickyb admitted that the government and big corporations are colluding to push climate change for money. He is now officially a conspiracy theorist. Welcome to he club.