Canada lifts black voices

Prepare to see this screenshot a lot when you go on your climate rants



Well-Known Member
Yeah bro think whatever you want. Thanks for watching my video.
u need to be more open minded

girl i sit next to in class has no social fear because she shakes it like its nobodys business, but when it comes to extreme sports shes extremely fearful and close minded.
First link I found. Lol. Karl Marx. Ricky's a Marxist....

Marx’s only real jobs during his lifetime were as occasional reporters for or editors of newspapers and journals most of which usually closed in a short period of time, either because of small readership and limited financial support or political censorship by the governments under which he was living.

His political activities as a writer and activist resulted in his having to move several times, including to Paris and Brussels, finally ending up in London in 1849, where he lived for the rest of his life, with occasional trips back to the European continent.

Though Marx was “middle class” and even “Victorian” in many of his everyday cultural attitudes, this did not stop him from breaking his marriage vows and committing adultery. He had sex enough times with the family maid that she bore him an illegitimate son – and this under the same roof with his wife and his legitimate children (of which he had seven, with only three living to full adulthood).

But he would not allow his illegitimate child to visit their mother in his London house whenever he was at home, and the boy could only enter the house through the kitchen door in the back of the house. In addition, he had his friend, longtime financial benefactor, and intellectual collaborator, Fredrick Engels, claim parentage of the child so to avoid any social embarrassment falling upon himself due to his infidelity.



Well-Known Member
Yeah bro. This conversation is over. Karl Marx. Lol.
we shouldnt kid ourselves that jesus approves of capitalism

we shouldnt kid ourselves that jesus approves of capitalism

He didn't! He also didn't approve of Karl Marx! Lol!

The truth is I'll tear down every single name you hide under until you hide under the holy name of Jesus. You can't tear Him down. No matter what angle, he will always have the moral high ground and will withstand your scrutiny. Jesus is great. Maybe pay attention to what He said instead of dummys like Karl Marx and Chris hedges said
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we shouldnt kid ourselves that jesus approves of capitalism

I'm not reading that trash. If that's who you wanna look up to then I'll pray for you buddy. Must be a real hopeless life you live.
"Which side was Jesus on?!? Capitalism or socialism!?!"

That's the wrong question. You should be asking yourself.

"Who's side am I on? Jesus' or the world's?"


Well-Known Member
He didn't! He also didn't approve of Karl Marx! Lol!

The truth is I'll tear down every single name you hide under until you hide under the holy name of Jesus. You can't tear Him down. No matter what angle, he will always have the moral high ground and will withstand your scrutiny. Jesus is great. Maybe pay attention to what He said instead of dummys like Karl Marx and Chris hedges said
Karl marx was anti capitalist so by that measure u should support him
If jesus doesnt support capitslism then u shouldnt either
I don't support capitalism. Any other assumptions you want to make about me?

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world.”
John 18:36 ESV
