Canada lifts black voices


Well-Known Member
You better go listen to that 2 hour "sermon" for a definition of " Christian fascism" because I'm going to need one from you
He wrote a book on it

In nazi germany they had swastika on 1 side of the church and cross on the other

U know about money and "christianity" in america so it shouldnt b hard to imagine
He wrote a book on it

In nazi germany they had swastika on 1 side of the church and cross on the other

U know about money and "christianity" in america so it shouldnt b hard to imagine
So you're going to let that idiot Chris hedged head relate it to creationism in schools and you're going to buy it?


Well-Known Member
He wrote a book on it

In nazi germany they had swastika on 1 side of the church and cross on the other

U know about money and "christianity" in america so it shouldnt b hard to imagine
There were ministers and priests who also stood up to the Nazis and were imprisoned and even executed.


Well-Known Member
5 minutes in. Chris hedges defends Muslims, talks a lot of crap on America (some well deserved). He complains about law enforcement shooting unarmed citizens.

The deep state and hollywood ARE involved with a child sex trafficking ring.

"Christian fascists that place their faith in "magic Jesus"

Conplains about creationism in our schools.

Bro I can't listen to this crap. I thought you said he was a Christian
5 minutes?

where is your faith. bad will power.
bc u have no will power
So the problem is me. When I asked you for a sermon from a Christian and you give me some dude defending Muslims, defending child sex trafficking, and talking about delusional Christians and their "magic Jesus" and how they want to put creationism in our schools. The problem is me.